
Welcome to Caposele: a place of nature, culture and religion

If you love nature and rural surroundings, Caposele is the right place for you! Located in the province of Avellino, Campania, this municipality of 3257 inhabitants is situated in the high valley of the Sele river. Much of the municipal territory falls within the Monti Picentini Regional Park, which offers breathtaking views and a wide range of outdoor activities.

But Caposele is not only about nature, it is also about culture and religion. The Materdomini religious site, located on the hill above the village, together with the sanctuary of San Gerardo Maiella, attract more than one million pilgrims every year. In this summary, we will provide you with some information about the territory and environment of Caposele to help you appreciate its natural and historical beauties.

The territory of Caposele

Caposele: nature, culture, and religion among the Picentini Mountains.


Caposele is located along the southeastern edge of the province of Avellino, bordering that of Salerno. The town is dominated by the Materdomini hill, which stands at 525 m above sea level. Mount Paflagone, at whose foot lies Caposele, is located on the northeastern slope of the Monti Picentini. The Sele River, which starts from the sources on the mountain, contributes to the geomorphological complexity of the territory.


Caposele offers a great variety of natural environments, from agricultural land to lush forests, pastures and coniferous woods. On the banks of the Sele River, the typical vegetation of the hygrophilous forest grows, consisting of trees such as poplar and willow. In these waters, typical macroinvertebrates of mountain streams can be found, which are indicators of a good quality ecosystem.

The history and culture of Caposele

Caposele is a rich place in history and culture. The religious site of Materdomini is known for its religious traditions and for the presence of the sanctuary of San Gerardo Maiella, considered one of the most important in Italy. There are also numerous monuments and archaeological remains in this municipality, which testify to the strategic importance of this territory since Roman times.

Materdomini and the Sanctuary of San Gerardo Maiella

Materdomini is a religious site located on the hill above Caposele, at 525 m above sea level. Here is the sanctuary of San Gerardo Maiella, built in 1736 in honour of this Franciscan saint who is particularly revered throughout southern Italy. The sanctuary, characterised by its imposing dome, attracts a large number of pilgrims and tourists every year.

The monuments of Caposele

Caposele is rich in historical monuments and archaeological remains. Among these, the Norman castle, an ancient watchtower, and the medieval aqueduct, which still supplies water to the Sele sources, are noteworthy. In the historic centre, one can also admire the church of San Giovanni Battista, built in 1593, and the baronial palace of the d'Aquino.

What to do in Caposele

Caposele offers many interesting activities for nature and culture lovers. Here you can go hiking, horseback riding or cycling, visit historical monuments, participate in local festivals and enjoy delicious local cuisine.

Hiking in the Monti Picentini

The territory of Caposele is crossed by numerous trails, which allow you to discover the breathtaking landscapes of the Monti Picentini. You can go hiking or mountain biking, enjoy panoramic views and admire the local fauna and flora.

Local cuisine

Caposele offers a great variety of local gastronomic products, including oil, wine, goat and sheep cheeses, cured meats and meat. Among the typical dishes are pasta with porcini mushrooms, stuffed cuttlefish, rabbit with Aglianico wine and walnut cake.

Local festivals

Caposele hosts many local festivals, which are an opportunity to discover the tradition and culture of this municipality. The most important is the festival of San Gerardo Maiella, which takes place on October 16th and attracts numerous pilgrims from all over Italy.


In summary, Caposele is a fascinating place that offers a great variety of natural and cultural environments. Here you can enjoy breathtaking views, discover the history and religion of this municipality and taste the delicious local cuisine. If you are looking for a quiet and authentic place to spend your holidays, Caposele is your ideal destination!

Francesco Serra
Updated Monday, Jul 4, 2022