
Discovering Capodimonte

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Capodimonte, a small town in central Italy located in the province of Viterbo, in Lazio. With its 1677 inhabitants, Capodimonte is a real gem that deserves to be discovered and appreciated.

Physical Geography

Discover Capodimonte: history, attractions, and natural beauty.


Capodimonte is located on a promontory of Lake Bolsena, which was formed over 300,000 years ago due to volcanic activity in the Volsini Mountains. The town has been inhabited since the Bronze Age and is dominated by the imposing Rocca Farnese.

One of the most beautiful attractions in the town is the long beach of volcanic sand, accompanied by Italian gardens, which extends for several kilometers and offers a spectacular view of Lake Bolsena.


The climate of Capodimonte falls within zone D of the climate classification, and thanks to the presence of a meteorological station it is possible to monitor the atmospheric conditions of the village.


The history of Capodimonte is very ancient, dating back to the Bronze Age, when there was a settlement on the current promontory. Subsequently, in the Late Bronze Age, the settlement of Bisenzio was built on the same promontory, which then became an important Etruscan and Roman center. Survivors from the cities of Bisenzio and Marta found refuge on the promontory of Capodimonte, giving life to the present settlement.

The first document in which it is mentioned as "Capo di Monte" dates back to 1102, but the town was long dependent on the Counts of Bisenzio, then passed under the orbit of Orvieto, and finally was assigned in 1385 to the Farnese family, who built the Rocca that still dominates the settlement today.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Rocca Farnese of Capodimonte

The Rocca Farnese is the symbol of the town of Capodimonte and is located in the heart of Tuscia. Its construction dates back to the sixteenth century, following the order of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese. The Rocca is an unfinished building, but its sixteenth-century mass built around the medieval tower characterizes the entire historic center. Today, the Rocca hosts exhibitions and events and is certainly one of the most beautiful places of interest in the town.

The Beauties of the Territory

But Capodimonte is not just the Rocca! In the surrounding area, it is possible to visit various attractions. One of the most important is certainly the Bisentina Island, located just a few steps from the town. The island is predominantly wooded and houses several architectural buildings, such as the Romanesque church of Santa Maria and the Benedictine monastery of San Nicolò.

In addition, the protohistoric and Etruscan center of Bisenzio represents an important archaeological site, while the beach of Capodimonte offers the possibility to spend pleasant days in the sun.


Capodimonte is a town that will leave you absolutely speechless. Its natural beauty, ancient history, and the majesty of the Rocca Farnese are just some of the reasons that will make your stay unforgettable. I recommend visiting Capodimonte at least once in your life, I guarantee you won't regret it.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, Apr 10, 2022