
Exploring Corcumello: a charming small village in the Abruzzo Apennines

Corcumello is a small village located in the municipality of Capistrello, in the province of L'Aquila, in Abruzzo. With a population of around 230 inhabitants, Corcumello is surrounded by the mountains of the Abruzzo Apennines and is a perfect place for those looking for an escape from the city and want to immerse themselves in nature and history.

Physical geography

The village is located at the foot of Mount Girifalco and overlooks the western slope of the Palentini plains. The village is included in a triangular-shaped enclosure made up of houses and walls, and is surrounded by a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains. Corcumello is about six kilometers from the municipal capital.

Corcumello: between nature and history in the Abruzzo Apennines.


The history of Corcumello can be traced back to ancient Roman times, when the area was part of the ager publicus of the ancient city of Alba Fucens. The ancient urban structure of the village dates back to the Early Middle Ages, while the fortified village was built around the end of the 13th century by the De Ponte family, lords of the county of Carsoli and Tagliacozzo. However, its origins date back to the Italic period, when an ancient fortified center of the first Iron Age called "ocre" was located on the hill of Collalto.

Corcumello played a prominent role in the history of the area, as can be seen from the presence of five churches and the remains of an abbey of the Order of Saint Benedict. In particular, the Church of San Nicola in Capistrello, the De Ponte palace-castle, the four gates, the only visible one of which is that of Cancello, and the four cylindrical towers dating back to the 15th century are a popular attraction for visitors to the village.

Despite the Marsica earthquake of 1915 causing some damage to this heritage, the ancient village of Corcumello appears to be well maintained, unlike other centers in the Marsican territory.

Monuments and places of interest

There are numerous religious architectures to visit in Corcumello, including the Church of San Nicola, which dates back to the late Baroque period and the ancient eighteenth-century pipe organ. The Church of San Lorenzo, built by the Vetoli family in the first half of the sixteenth century, and the Church of Sant'Antonio da Padova and adjoining hospital-shelter dating back to the sixteenth century are two other churches not to be missed on your tour of the village.

Daily life in Corcumello

Today, Corcumello is a quiet village with just over 200 inhabitants. Despite this, there are several activities to do and places to see. Corcumello is perfect for people who want to escape the hectic life of the city and want to enjoy the beauty of nature in contact with history.

Expert recommendations

For trekking and hiking lovers, Corcumello offers numerous opportunities for hiking in the hills and along panoramic trails. It is also possible to visit the Grillo estate, which produces one of the best extra virgin olive oils in Abruzzo.

For tasting local food, there are many village festivals and fairs throughout the year that offer the opportunity to taste traditional foods such as rustic pizza and maccherone alla chitarra. Finally, history enthusiasts can visit the ancient fortified village and the Church of San Nicola, architectural jewels of the Abruzzo Apennines.


In short, Corcumello is a charming place worth visiting. It offers an immersive experience in nature and history, with numerous activities and attractions for all visitors. Whether you're looking to escape the city or explore a picturesque corner of the Abruzzo Apennines, Corcumello is the right place for you.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, Feb 18, 2023