
Welcome to Capestrano, an Abruzzo town rich in history and nature

Capestrano is a town of 828 inhabitants located in the province of L'Aquila, in Abruzzo, famous for its history and picturesque location in the Tirino valley. In this text, we will talk about the physical geography of Capestrano, its climate, and the origin of its name before exploring its ancient history.

Physical geography

Capestrano is located in the eastern part of the province of L'Aquila, in a central position between the Navelli plateau and the Tirino valley. Its territory is enclosed by the southeastern foothills of the Gran Sasso d'Italia and the northern foothills of the Maiella, and is part of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park.

The main town is located on the eastern slope of a hill at 465 meters above sea level, overlooking the valley below crossed by the Tirino river. Lake Capodacqua feeds three springs that supply the Tirino.

Capestrano: History and Nature in the Splendor of Abruzzo


Capestrano has a typically Italian climate, with cold winters and dry summers. During winter, precipitation can be snow. The average annual temperature is around 14 degrees Celsius, and it does not often fall below zero.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name "Capestrano" is controversial. One possible explanation is that it is connected to the Latin term "capestrum," which means "rope, halter." Others believe that the name derives from "Caput trium amnium" (city at the head of three sources), referring to the springs that feed the Tirino.


Ancient times

Capestrano has a very ancient history. The first traces of human presence date back to the Vestini, who settled in the Tirino valley as early as the 9th century BC. Aufinum, the ancient city on the Sant'Antonio hill near Capestrano, flourished thanks to its strategic position along the Claudia Nova road and access to the territory of the Peltuinum and Peligni.

Pliny the Elder mentions Aufinum as the main center of the Cismontane Vestini. The archaeological area of Capestrano with its necropolis testifies to this important past. In 1934, this area was the site of the discovery of the famous "Warrior of Capestrano," a symbol of Abruzzo, now preserved at the National Archaeological Museum of Abruzzo in Chieti.

Medieval times

In the Middle Ages, Capestrano was influenced by several noble families, including the Piccolomini Todeschini, the Medici, and the Bourbons, becoming the seat of a marquisate and later a principality.

Modern times

Capestrano was an important stop during the Austro-Napoleonic War of 1815. In this battle, Austrian General Federico Bianchi defeated the Neapolitan troops, giving victory to the Austrian-Russian coalition.

In the course of the 19th century, Capestrano experienced some demographic and economic growth, with the expansion of agriculture and livestock.


In conclusion, Capestrano is an Abruzzo town with ancient roots. Its strategic position, beauty of the landscape, and history make it an important tourist attraction of the Abruzzo region. Come and discover Capestrano, a perfect destination for lovers of history, nature, and art!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, May 14, 2022