
Welcome to Capergnanica, a Lombardian jewel!

Capergnanica is an Italian municipality located in the province of Cremona, in Lombardy, and has a population of approximately 2155 inhabitants. In this text, I will talk about some interesting information on the history, society, and infrastructure and transportation of Capergnanica.

A Brief History of Capergnanica

During the Napoleonic period, from 1809 to 1816, the municipality of Capergnanica also included Bolzone (Ripalta Cremasca) and Chieve, which were then restored with the constitution of the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom. In 1869, the fraction of Passarera was instead added.

Capergnanica: discovering a Lombard treasure!

Capergnanica’s Society


According to the latest survey, the Italian population of Capergnanica was about 2048 inhabitants.

Foreign Citizens

As of December 31, 2020, the foreign citizens present in Capergnanica were 107. The most represented national community is the Romanian one, with 32 people.

Infrastructure and Transportation


The territory of Capergnanica is crossed by two provincial roads, the SP CR 37, which leads from Crema to Casaletto Ceredano, and the SP CR 62, which connects Chieve to Capergnanica.


Here is the list of mayors who have succeeded in Capergnanica from 1985 to today:

June 14, 2004 - June 8, 2009: Cristian Chizzoli of the Lega Nord

Gallery of Images

Below, you can see some photos I took during my visit to Capergnanica. The parish church of San Martino, the town hall, the church of the Holy Trinity, and the church of Sant'Antonino are just some of the historical buildings present in this municipality.


There are no notes to report.

Related Voices

The municipality of Capergnanica is also famous for the presence of the Roggia Acqua Rossa.

Other Projects

For further information on Capergnanica, I recommend visiting the official website of the municipality or consulting the Wikipedia page.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Jan 14, 2023