Cantalupo in Sabina

Welcome to Cantalupo in Sabina!

Hello everyone, welcome to Cantalupo in Sabina! This beautiful Italian town with its 1,641 inhabitants is located in the province of Rieti, in Lazio. If you are looking for a peaceful place far from the chaos of the city, you are in the right place! In this summary, we will give you all the information you need to know about Cantalupo in Sabina.

The Beauty of the Territory

Cantalupo in Sabina is famous for its palace-museum located among the olive groves between the Monti Reatini and the Tiber River. It is a very picturesque village from which you can admire the foothills that divide the Aia and Galantina streams. The village is 297 meters above sea level and was founded around the medieval era.

Cantalupo in Sabina: between art, history and nature

A Human-Scale Environment

Cantalupo in Sabina extends over an area of 10 km², with a population density of around 150 inhabitants per km². This area has always been an important driving force for the development of productive and commercial activities. Despite the rationalization of services, the village still offers a very high quality of life, and it is possible to be self-sufficient in every aspect, from food to other activities necessary for daily life. This makes its inhabitants not miss the larger cities.

The Origin of the Name

The toponym of the Municipality derives from the union of two inhabited centers during the construction of the "Castrum." History also tells that there was a wolf that lived on a hill in the village and that howled like singing, hence the name "Cantalupo." In 1863, the geographical reference "in Sabina" was added to the name Cantalupo.

A Brief History of the Territory

The territory of Cantalupo in Sabina was rich in rustic residential villas during the Roman era. In the Middle Ages, due to barbarian invasions, the inhabitants were forced to take refuge on the highest point of the surrounding territory, thus founding the "Castrum Cantalupi." In the 1200s and 1300s, the "Palatium" was created at the behest of the Counts of Tuscolo and the "Castrum" by the hand of the Counts of Cuneo. They governed the village until the 1400s, when it passed into the hands of the Savelli family. Later, the site was owned by the Cesi of Acquasparta and Rignano, who over time transformed the Savelli castle into a residential palace (Palazzo Cesi). After them, the Marquis of Vacone, Guido Vaini, purchased the feud and the castle. In 1804, the Palace and the rich land heritage passed into the hands of the Lante della Rovere family, who kept it until Giovanni Battista Camuccini, son of the neoclassical painter Vincenzo Camuccini, bought the former feud heritage and transformed the Palace into a museum.


Cantalupo in Sabina is a magical place where you can enjoy tranquility just a few steps from nature. If you are looking for a place far from city stress, this is definitely the place for you. Its geographical location makes it perfect for developing the productive and commercial activities of the area, and despite the rationalization of services, the village offers a high quality of life. If you are planning a visit, don't miss the visit to the Palace-Museum, which is the pride of the city, and an oasis of culture and history.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Wednesday, Nov 2, 2022