
Welcome to Cantagallo: a dive into the Tuscan nature

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk to you about a beautiful Tuscan municipality, Cantagallo. Located in the province of Prato, it has just under 3100 inhabitants and is characterized by an uncontaminated and lush nature that will make you forget the stress of the city.

A mountainous territory

Cantagallo's territory is entirely occupied by the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine mountains, which makes it particularly suggestive. Among the highest peaks are Monte Bucciana, which reaches 1219 meters above sea level, but also Monte delle Scalette, Poggio Cicialbo, Poggio Cattarelle, Poggio La Zucca, and Monte Castiglioni. The village falls within the valley of the river Bisenzio, where there are important settlements such as Il Fabbro, Usella, Colle Bisenzio, and Carmignanello. The northern part of the territory is instead crossed by the valley of the Carigiola stream, while the village of Fossato, to the west, falls within the valley of the Limentra stream. Among the passes of the territory, we can mention the Tabernacolo di Gavigno pass, the Pian della Rasa pass, and the Acquiputoli pass, which is pedestrian.

Cantagallo: Tuscan nature between mountains and forests.

An uncontaminated nature

But what really makes Cantagallo unique is its nature. The municipality is dominated by extensive forests of beech, chestnut, and conifer trees, where there are also some monumental specimens such as the Faggione di Luogomano, which covers an area of ​​about 900 m². Meadows and shrubby areas are extremely rare, but the tree cover creates an ideal habitat for the population of deer, which is known nationally for the majesty of the specimens. Cantagallo is, therefore, the ideal place for excursions, walks, and day trips.

The history of Cantagallo

As for the history, we know that the current Municipality of Cantagallo appeared already equipped with a consolidated administrative apparatus with the presence of consuls, councillors, and a communal chamberlain as early as 1234. The consuls exercised "liberam et plenam potestatem ponendi terminos et distinguendi loca predicta". Florence had seized the southern part of the Pistoian territory in 1329, leaving Pistoia and the city council the right to appoint the podestà of the minor communities.

The municipal seat in Luicciana

It is worth noting that Cantagallo is a dispersed municipality as the municipal seat is located in the village of Luicciana. But this does not in any way prejudice the organization and cohesiveness of the territory.

In short, if you are looking for a destination for a day immersed in nature, peace, and tranquility, Cantagallo is the place for you. We are waiting for you!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, Oct 29, 2022