
Welcome to Cansano!

Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about a small Abruzzese village called Cansano. It is located in the province of L'Aquila, within the Maiella National Park, and has only 205 inhabitants, but don't be fooled by its small size because this place is truly fascinating!

Physical geography

Cansano is located on a hill, just 14 kilometers from Sulmona. The village is immersed in nature and offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains. From here, it is easy to reach the Maiella National Park and visit the Bosco di Sant'Antonio Regional Reserve and the San Leonardo Pass. In addition, Cansano's strategic location allows you to easily reach many other tourist centers in the area, such as Campo di Giove, Pacentro, Pescocostanzo and Sulmona itself.

Cansano: a small Abruzzo village between history and nature.


The history of Cansano dates back to the Italic period, when the Peligni founded the city of ''Ocriticum'' in the Zeppe-Pandaro area. After the Western Roman Empire, the city was conquered and placed under the municipality of Sulmona. Due to Saracen and Hungarian invasions, ''Ocriticum'' depopulated and the inhabitants founded a new fortress on a mountain promontory further east, giving birth to the new fiefdom. In the 14th century, the village was the subject of disputes between the Cantelmo family and Jacopo Caldora, who also wanted to rule Campo di Giove and Pacentro. In 1421, the mercenary captain Braccio da Montone occupied the village to bring it to obedience to the queen of the Kingdom of Naples, Giovanna II of Naples, and subsequently King Alfonso V of Aragon reassigned it to the Cantelmo family.

In the 15th-16th centuries, Cansano was a feud of the Acquaviva di Atri, who had it until the 18th century, when it passed to other families. In 1706, the village was severely hit by the Maiella earthquake, which caused destruction and deaths. In 1904, an autonomous municipality was created, dependent on Campo di Giove since 1855. In 1933, another earthquake made what was left of the ancient castle disappear and caused the highest part of the mountain summit to collapse into the valley, so the village moved further downstream.


The climate of Cansano is typical of mountains, with hot and dry summers and cold and rainy winters. However, in recent years, there have been some climatic variations that have made the climate slightly more humid in summer and less snowy in winter.


Cansano is an enchanting village, immersed in nature, which deserves a visit to discover its history and the beauties of the surrounding area. If you have the opportunity to visit Abruzzo, don't forget to stop here. I am sure that you will be fascinated by the beauty of the place and the hospitality of its inhabitants.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Friday, Jan 27, 2023