The presence of 'ndrangheta in the province of Reggio Calabria
The province of Reggio Calabria is one of the areas most affected by the presence of 'ndrangheta, a criminal phenomenon that originated in the 19th century. In 2006, there were more than ten active locales in the area with a total of 7,358 alleged affiliates. It is the area with the highest pervasiveness of the criminal phenomenon, as well as the area of residence of the historical 'ndrine.
The division of the territory
Starting from 2010, the "Crimine" operation has shown that the province of Reggio Calabria is divided into three areas: Jonico Mandamento, Tirrenico Mandamento, and Città ('ndrangheta). The decision-making body of the criminal organization, the "Crimine ('ndrangheta)" or "Crimine di Polsi," is also present in the area. The areas also differ in the way the 'ndrine operate. Those of Tirrenico Mandamento use control of the territory in a relatively economically rich area compared to the others. Those in the Mar Ionio area, on the other hand, which is poorer and predominantly mountainous, have invested in international drug trafficking after initially exploiting kidnappings. Despite this, the cosche of Mar Tirreno, thanks to the Port of Gioia Tauro, are also organized for illicit substance trafficking, while those in the Mar Ionio area exert pressure on existing commercial activities. Finally, the area of the city of Reggio Calabria is further divided into three areas: north with 'Ndrina Condello-'Ndrina Imerti, center with the 'Ndrina De Stefano-'Ndrina Libri, and south with 'Ndrina Latella and 'Ndrina Labate, as well as minor 'ndrine.
The structure of the 'ndrine
'Ndrangheta in the province of Reggio Calabria is divided into locales ('ndrangheta) attributable to three superstructures: Jonico Mandamento, Tirrenico Mandamento, and Città ('ndrangheta). During Operation "Saggezza," in November 2012, the presence of a new structure, "La Corona", comprising the 5 Aspromonte locals in the municipalities of Antonimina, Ardore, Canolo, Ciminà, and Cirella di Platì emerged. The head of La Corona is Vincenzo Melia, with Luigi Varacalli, Nicola Romano, and Nicola Nesci as councilors. This new structure appears to have arisen to settle disputes within the small locales, as well as to grant favors and compete economically on a par with other 'ndrine.
The organization of the Crimine
The Crimine ('ndrangheta), the apex superstructure of the Calabrian criminal organization, meets periodically in the province of Reggio Calabria.
The list of locales and companies
In the province of Reggio Calabria, there are 33 locales and five companies, distributed in many of the municipalities of the province. Among the best-known locals are those in Antoniminina, Ardore, Bova, Canolo, Catona, Caulonia, Cassari di Nardodipace, Ciminà, Cirella di Platì, Cinquefrondi, Fabrizia, Gioia Tauro, Gioiosa Jonica, Grotteria, Laureana di Borrello, Motticella, Natile di Careri, Oppido Mamertina, Palizzi, Palmi, Piscopio in Vibo Valentia, and Platì. There are also five companies located in Melito Porto Salvo, Polistena, Reggio Calabria, Rosarno, and Siderno.
In summary, the province of Reggio Calabria is an area particularly affected by the presence of 'ndrangheta, with a vast territorial division and a multitude of locales and companies representing the division of the criminal organization. The discovery of new structures such as "La Corona" and the meeting of the Crimine ('ndrangheta) in the territory demonstrate the importance of the area for the Calabrian organization.