
The Onion festival in Cannara

Allium cepa, known as Vernaccia di Cannara, is one of the most important local products in Umbria. Since 1981, Cannara has been organizing a village festival dedicated to the onion, called "la festa della cipolla". This festival takes place every year during the first two weeks of September and is a must-attend event for those who want to learn about the culture and culinary tradition of Umbria.

During this festival, you can taste typical dishes prepared with Vernaccia di Cannara, such as onion soup and savory tart, or buy fresh onions directly from producers. In addition, there are exhibitions, concerts, and performances that animate the streets of the village.

The history of Allium cepa cultivation in Cannara

The cultivation of Allium cepa in Cannara has ancient origins and developed thanks to the particular terrain and the presence of water in the subsoil. The producers, called "cipollari", are mostly family-run and pass-on cultivation techniques from father to son. In 2003, the "Consorzio Cipolla di Cannara" was established, which brings together most of the local Allium cepa growers and producers, with the aim of enhancing and safeguarding the bulb along the entire production and marketing chain.

Allium cepa from Cannara is recognized by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies as a traditional Umbrian agri-food product. Furthermore, it was recognized by Slow Food as Presidia and Arca del Gusto until 2008.

Cannara Onion Festival: History and Umbrian Tradition.

The history of Onion in Cannara

The cultivation of onions in Cannara has been documented since the 16th century. Onions had a particular status compared to other vegetables and were probably cultivated on specific and large portions of land. During the 19th century, onion cultivation became increasingly important for local agriculture, becoming a factor of cultural identification and an advantageous activity for those employed in the sector.

The cultivation of Allium cepa in Cannara requires the use of a spade, careful fertilization, transplanting from the seedbed to the dwelling, and suitable soils for irrigation. Thanks to these techniques, Vernaccia di Cannara has a unique and particular taste that makes it appreciated all over the world.


The history of Allium cepa in Cannara is linked to the history of local agriculture and its community. The Onion festival is a moment of celebration of the culture and culinary tradition of Umbria, which cannot be missed. Allium cepa from Cannara is a traditional Umbrian agri-food product recognized nationally and internationally for its quality and authenticity.

Federico Conte
Updated Tuesday, Mar 1, 2022