
Canna: History and Tradition

Canna, a small town in the province of Cosenza, was ruled by important aristocratic families throughout its history. After three hundred years of property transfers, the town gained administrative autonomy in 1788. Today, Canna is a welcoming location with a population of around 670 inhabitants, whose economy is mainly based on agriculture.

Legends and Traditions

According to local legend, Ulysses and his crew crossed the territory of Canna to reach the cave of Polyphemus, where the Greek hero would have blinded the giant to escape his wrath. At the end of the bed of the Canna torrent, on the left bank that leads to the sea, there are some rocks that are said to be the stones thrown by Polyphemus during his fury.

Canna: between history, tradition and symbols.

Symbols of Canna

The coat of arms and the flag, granted to the city by decree in 1990, represent the colors of the Adriatic sea, meeting those of the sunset.

The flag, blue in color, is often used during local celebrations and events.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The Church of Canna

The Church of Canna, built in the second half of the 15th century along the city walls, underwent restorations during the 20th century. Inside, there is a restored baptistery, a Renaissance pulpit and many effigies of saints, mostly made of papier-mâché.

The façade of the church, dating back to the 18th century, features a stone portal and an upper section that occupies the entire central nave. The top of the façade is surmounted by an illuminated cross.

Traditional Events

Canna hosts various festivals and parades throughout the year, including the one dedicated to the patron saint of the town, the Immaculate Conception. This celebration takes place on December 7th and 8th of each year and is characterized by processions in the streets, fireworks displays and cultural activities.


Canna is a beautiful location that offers many opportunities to discover local history and culture. Among its most important symbols and monuments, the Church of Canna represents an important tourist attraction for all those visiting the town. Furthermore, the traditional events organized throughout the year offer visitors a charming view of the town's life.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Sunday, Jun 5, 2022