
Candida, more than one meaning

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about a very versatile word: Candida. Perhaps you know it as the name of a person, as an Italian town, as a type of fungi, or maybe even as a comedy. In reality, the word Candida has several meanings, and that's why we find it in very different contexts.

Candida (name)

Let's start from the beginning: Candida is an Italian proper name, mostly female, which derives from the Latin Candidus, meaning "white, candid". If you know a Candida, you know that it is a person who has a very particular name and who may also be very "candid" in the sense of pure and innocent.

Candida: Polysemy of a name in Italian culture.

Candida (family)

But Candida is also the name of a noble Neapolitan family, derived from the Filangieri. The Candida family had great importance in the history of the Kingdom of Naples and gave birth to many prominent figures.

Candida (mycology)

Now let's talk about the perhaps less friendly meaning: Candida is also the name of a genus of fungi, previously known as Monilia. Among the most common species, we find Candida albicans, Candida Krusei, Candida parakrusei, Candida tropicalis and Candida parapsilosis. These fungi are the cause of an infection called candidiasis, which can affect various parts of the human body, from the mouth to the skin, from the genital organs to the digestive system.

Candida (Italy)

Candida is also the name of an Italian town in the province of Avellino, in Campania. If you are passionate about travel or culture, you might consider visiting it and discovering the beauty of the territory.

Candida (Shaw)

But let's go back to lighter things: Candida is also the title of a comedy by the well-known Irish author George Bernard Shaw. The play, which dates back to 1897, tells the story of a woman named Candida, who finds herself having to choose between the two men around her: her husband and a poet who has dedicated his life to social struggle. The comedy was a great success in its time, and is still performed and appreciated by audiences around the world.

Berardo Candida Gonzaga

Speaking of Candida, we cannot forget to mention Berardo Candida Gonzaga, an Italian historian and genealogist. Thanks to his attention to the history of noble families, he contributed to reconstructing the origins of the Candida family.

Riccardo Filangieri

And if we talk about noble families, it is inevitable that we think of Riccardo Filangieri, an Italian archivist, historian and genealogist of great importance. He too dedicated much of his life to studying aristocratic families, including the Candida, and strongly contributed to the preservation of Italian history.


In short, as you can see, the name Candida lends itself to many different meanings. Some associate it with a person, some with a family, some with a disease, and some with a comedy. But ultimately, this is just an example of how the Italian language is rich and versatile, capable of creating unexpected shades and meanings. I hope you enjoyed this brief journey into the word Candida, and that you discovered something new! See you next time!

Francesco Serra
Updated Wednesday, Sep 28, 2022