Candia Lomellina

Welcome to Candia Lomellina!

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about Candia Lomellina, a municipality in the province of Pavia, Lombardy. We are a small town of 1441 inhabitants, but we like to think that we have a lot to offer to visitors. If you are curious about the history of our municipality, follow us to the first section.


Candia Lomellina has an ancient and interesting history. It became part of the domains of Pavia in 1164, but it is presumed that it already belonged to a local family, the Confalonieri di Candia. Over the centuries, the feud of Candia passed through the hands of numerous noble families, until it was acquired by the House of Savoy in 1707. In 1859 it became part of the province of Pavia and in 1928 the suppressed municipality of Terrasa joined Candia Lomellina.

Candia Lomellina: History, Monuments, and Hospitality


Our municipality has a very beautiful coat of arms, recognized by decree of the head of government in 1936. The flag is blue and our symbols can also be admired in our territory. Come and see them!

Monuments and places of interest

Candia Lomellina is a place full of monuments and places of interest, such as the former Church of the Confraternity, with the frescoes of Giuseppe Amisani. Don't miss the Church of San Michele, the Chapel of Sant'Anna and the one of the Madonna della Neve. Finally, we recommend visiting the Sanctuary of Madonna delle Grazie, located in the fraction of Terrasa. Get your cameras and smartphones ready, these places are beautiful!


Due to its strategic location, Candia Lomellina is a dynamic and welcoming municipality. Come and visit us! In this section, you will find information on the demographic evolution of our town.

Demographic evolution

We are a small municipality, but in constant growth. From the post-war period to today, the population has grown by 25%. Candia Lomellina is becoming bigger and more welcoming. Come and pay us a visit, we will be happy to show you our town!

Infrastructure and transport

Despite being a small municipality, we have a train station: the Candia Lomellina station, located along the Castagnole-Asti-Mortara railway, a line that has undergone a traffic suspension since 2012. There was also the Terrasa station, suppressed in 2003. However, our municipality is easily accessible by car and the A26 motorway is nearby.


If you want to know more about the curiosities of Candia Lomellina, do not hesitate to ask our inhabitants! We are happy to share with you everything we know about our places.

Related voices

Candia Lomellina is located in western Lomellina, not far from the left bank of the Sesia. The province of Pavia is rich in beauties to discover, as well as Lomellina, of which Candia is part. Finally, Giovanni Reale, a great Italian philosopher, studied precisely in our city.

Other projects

If you want to know more about our municipality, visit our website! There you will find all the information you need to organize a nice visit to Candia Lomellina.

Thank you for reading this friendly summary of the history and tourist attractions of Candia Lomellina. We are waiting for you!

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Thursday, Oct 6, 2022