
Greetings and Introduction

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about a beautiful Venetian town called Canda. Yes, you read that right: Canda, not Canada! I will tell you everything there is to know about this small village of 842 inhabitants, located in the province of Rovigo and bathed by the Tartaro river.

Origins of the Name

Let's start with the name. It seems to derive from an ancient pre-Roman expression which indicated "resting place". Since Canda was located at the limit of navigability of the river, it was the last place where one could stop before continuing navigation. Interesting, isn't it? But there is also another theory: the name could come from the Latin term "caupona", which means "tavern" or "small stopping station". This theory has an interesting historical reference, as it could be here that the Roman Via Claudia Augusta crossed the Tartaro river. What a mystery!

Canda: the mysterious Venetian town on the Tartaro river - discover its history and attractions.


But let's get to the town's history. Canda has existed since the High Middle Ages and there are many chronicles that report army movements and land reclamation projects in the town. Like many other towns in Veneto, Canda was also under the dominion of the Serenissima, which led to the construction of many villas and agricultural properties by noble Venetian families. In the 16th century, Canda saw the birth of a small Calvinist community, but unfortunately the Inquisition immediately quashed it after the Council of Trent. Canda has always had nearby Lendinara as its urban center of reference, while Badia Polesine and Trecenta have had a minor role in the town's history.

Attractions and Curiosities

Canda is a small town, but still has some attractions. One of these is the Conca di Canda, created with a digging project that allowed navigation on the Tartaro river to continue all the way to Torretta. But not only that: the surroundings of Canda offer the possibility of beautiful walks and discovering the nature of Veneto. I suggest you visit the Natural Reserve of the Adige River, which is not far from here. Additionally, in Canda there is also a small church with beautiful architecture. But the most interesting thing about Canda is its mysterious name and the theories circulating about its origin.

Life in Canda Today

Currently, Canda has a population of only 842 inhabitants, but it is still a peaceful village where life flows slowly and peacefully. There is a nice community atmosphere, where everyone knows each other and helps each other out. Furthermore, despite being a small place, there are still some commercial activities, such as a pharmacy and a grocery store. In short, if you're looking for a quiet place to enjoy some peace after the chaos of the city, Canda could be your ideal destination.


So here is my story about Canda! A small but interesting town that offers many opportunities for relaxation and immersion in nature. I hope I've piqued your curiosity, because this village is truly a hidden gem of Veneto. If you feel like taking a little trip out of town, don't hesitate to visit Canda!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Monday, May 23, 2022