
Discover Camugnano, a town in the Bolognese Apennines

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Camugnano, a town in the Bolognese Apennines located in Emilia-Romagna. Camugnano has a population of approximately 1822 inhabitants and is part of the Union of the Bolognese Apennines. Are you ready to discover more about this area full of nature and history?

Physical geography

Camugnano is located in the Bolognese Apennines, which is part of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines at an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level. The municipality extends over a territory of 9,661 hectares and the capital, along with the rest of the territory, is located in the Limentra stream valley. Mount Vigese (1091 m) is one of the most important peaks in the area and offers a wonderful view of the forests, the agricultural landscape, and the surrounding waters.

In 1995 the Suviana and Brasimone Lakes Park was inaugurated, an uncontaminated natural space where you can admire the wildlife and the historic villages of the Apennines. The park includes the waters of the artificial lakes of the Brasimone basin, which extends within the borders of the municipality of Camugnano, and Lake Suviana, which extends over the territories of Camugnano and Castel di Casio. Mount Calvi (1283 m), Mount della Scoperta (1273 m), Poggio delle Vecchiette (1186 m) are just some of the peaks located within the lakes park.

Discover the beauty of Camugnano, a municipality in the Bolognese Apennines.


The long history of Camugnano begins with the period of Roman colonization when the "Camonius" family gave the current name to the area. Some toponyms like "Vicus" from which Vigo derives and "Bargius", Bargi, and "Le Mogne" instead derive from the Lemonia tribe. In the Middle Ages, the territory of Camugnano entered the sphere of influence of the municipality of Bologna and was subjected for judicial, administrative, and military power to the Captaincy of the Mountain.

In the Camugnano area, numerous traces of the presence of Byzantines and Lombards can be found. In particular, the Lombards left evident traces of their past, such as in names like Ugo and Oddone and in locations like Greglio, which derives from Grellgo, or Porcile, which indicate large pig farms.

In the thirteenth century, Camugnano became part of the domain of the lords of Vigo, delle Mogne, and the Alberti counts of German origin. They held power in the area until the municipality of Bologna took control of the region.

Culture and traditions

Camugnano is an area rich in culture and traditions, like many other municipalities in the Bolognese Apennines. During festive occasions such as Carnival, the streets of the town come to life with festive colors and sounds. Additionally, the territory of Camugnano offers numerous nature trails, such as the Path of Ciaie, which will take you on a journey of discovery of wonderful panoramas.

The traditional cuisine of the Camugnano area offers simple but tasty dishes, such as polenta with the last mushrooms of autumn, homemade tagliatelle with hare or wild boar sauce, meat stew with chestnut flour polenta, and the famous cacciatora.

In short, if you are looking for a hilly area rich in nature, history, and traditions, Camugnano is the perfect place for you. We invite you to visit this area of the Bolognese Apennines and discover everything it has to offer.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Saturday, Feb 5, 2022