
Poggio: A Historic Village in Tuscany

Located in the historical region of Garfagnana in Tuscany, the village of Poggio is a hamlet of the municipality of Camporgiano in the province of Lucca. At an altitude of about 450 meters, the village is located next to the hill of Capriola and near the Edron stream, a tributary of the Serchio River.

The Meaning of the Name "Poggio"

The name Poggio comes from the Latin word "podium," meaning "fortified hill," referring to the high medieval fortress built on the hill of Capriola. This fortress no longer exists, but the name has continued to be used to refer to the village.

Poggio: history and archaeology of a Tuscan village.

History of Poggio

The village of Poggio extends on the eastern slope of the hill of Capriola, a rocky spur of lava origin formed in prehistoric times. The archaeological site of this region shows the existence of a Ligurian settlement dating back to the Bronze Age and developed in the third century BC, but disappeared following the mass deportation carried out by the Romans against the Ligurian Apuani.

With the Romanization of Garfagnana and the subsequent Christian era, new settlements were born and developed in the valley. Medieval sources reveal that an important church, the "Plebs Sancti Terenti," was present in the area. The high medieval churches, which had the privilege of baptism, first arose near road junctions, so that they could be reached from various communities, and consequently also in originally isolated places, but soon saw new settlements grow around them.

The Church of San Biagio

The hypothesis that the church arose in the Villa, less than two kilometers from the present-day Poggio, is very suggestive. Here stands the Romanesque church of San Biagio, once dedicated to Santa Maria di Rogiana. Some parchments of the tenth century mention the "ecclesia Sancti Terentii et Sancti Johannis Baptiste [...] plebem battisimalis sito Rogiana," while after the year 1000 the church lost the privilege of baptism, which was assigned to the Pieve di San Pietro in Careggine. However, the church continued to exist together with its small community.

The Fortification of Poggio

The nobles of Careggine and Bacciano fortified the hill of Capriola, and around the fortification, a village began to arise, Poggio San Terenzo. The fortification contributed to the growth of the village, which has evolved and changed over the centuries, giving birth to the current Poggio.

In summary, Poggio is an ancient historic village in Garfagnana, which has developed in an archaeologically and historically significant area. The village is located in Tuscany, in the province of Lucca, and is situated at about 450 meters above sea level next to the hill of Capriola and the Edron stream. Its history covers the prehistoric, Roman, and Christian eras and is linked to the evolution of the surrounding region. The name "Poggio" comes from the Latin and refers to the high medieval fortress built on the hill, which no longer exists. The fortification of Poggio and the existence of a small community around the Romanesque church of San Biagio are important elements of the village's history.

Martina Moretti
Updated Tuesday, Feb 7, 2023