

Hello friends, today I will talk to you about a small agricultural center in the province of Palermo, Camporeale. Here, 2983 inhabitants live and it is located in the eastern part of the Val di Mazara.

Description of the territory

Entering the territory of Camporeale, you immediately see the mountains that embrace the village. You can notice the Rocca di Maranfusa, the mountains of Montagnola, Serra Parrino, and Cozzo di Curbici. Mount Jato near San Giuseppe Jato is the closest to Camporeale.

Camporeale: history, monuments and typical cuisine.

History of the city

According to a study, the inhabitants have been living on the hills and in the valleys around Camporeale for over 15,000 years. During the Neolithic age, the first signs of trade in agricultural products and colorful ceramics in different styles were seen.

In Roman times, a farm developed in Valdibella, near Camporeale, until it became a small village. During the Arab era, many Arab hamlets and villages developed throughout Sicily.

There is a legend that says that the rocks of Maranfusa, near the present-day Roccamena, were inhabited by devils. For this reason, the Kalatrasi bridge, built over the Belice river, is called the "Devil's Bridge". It is said that it was built in just one night by the devil.

Makella, the ancient city of Camporeale, was destroyed by the Roman garrison and reduced to a farm. In Valdibella, in the Macellaro fiefdom and in the Macellarotto area, residential centers arose.

Donna Violante Ferrieri sold 600 salme of Macellaro and Macellarotto to the bourgeois Vincenzo Grattino in 1619. The Jesuits received as a gift from Grattino the ownership of the Macellaro fiefdom in 1642. In a few years, they were able to radically change the reality of that fiefdom, turning it into a real modern capitalist company, where the means at their disposal were such as to satisfy all economic needs.

Description of the monuments

During a visit to Camporeale, there are some places to visit. For example, the Church of San Carlo Borromeo, in Baroque style, built in the second half of the eighteenth century, which contains artworks of great value. There is also the Church of the Holy Guardian Angels, patrons of the city, built in the early twentieth century.

Don't forget to visit the Clock Tower, located in the center of the village. It was built in the eighteenth century as a civic tower and later became the bell tower of the Church of San Carlo.

Typical cuisine

A visit to Camporeale is not complete without tasting traditional cuisine. You will find tasty dishes based on meat and fish. Among the typical dishes are maccheroni with pork sauce, tripe, arancini with ragù filling, and sweets such as ricotta cannoli and Sicilian cassata.

Events and festivals

Camporeale is famous for its traditional festivals throughout the year. The most famous festival is that of the Holy Guardian Angels, which takes place every year on July 31 and August 1.


In conclusion, Camporeale is a small agricultural center immersed in nature and history. By visiting it, you will discover the culture and traditions of Sicily. Don't forget to taste the traditional cuisine and participate in the typical festivals.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Monday, Sep 26, 2022