
The Municipality of Càmpora: A Green Oasis in the Heart of Cilento

Càmpora is a small Italian municipality located in the province of Salerno, in the Campania region. With its 336 inhabitants, Càmpora is an oasis of tranquility and peace nestled in the heart of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park. If you love nature and tranquility, this small municipality might be the right place for you.

Physical Geography

Càmpora is situated in the central part of Cilento, about 15 km north of Vallo della Lucania. The eastern part of the municipal territory is included in the forest area of Pruno (Cilento), and is connected to the villages by a mountain provincial road. The territory of Càmpora offers breathtaking landscapes, with narrow valleys, forests, and green hills that stretch down to the coast.

Campora: an oasis of peace in the Cilento National Park.


The climate in Càmpora is pleasant, with an average temperature of 8.7 °C in January and 25.7 °C in August. The climate is classified as zone D, with 1848 degree days.


The name "Campora" is thought to derive from the Latin word "campus," which means "flat place" or "agricultural surface." The municipality of Càmpora has a long history, dating back to the Norman conquests of southern Italy. In 1170, Turgisio de Campora became the owner of the fief and the probable castle. During the post-unification period, many citizens, led by lawyer Giuseppe Tardio, took part in armed bands to counter the activities of Piedmontese invaders.


The coat of arms of the municipality of Càmpora was recognized by decree of the head of government on December 15, 1930.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Càmpora offers various tourist attractions, including the church of San Nicola and the chapel of Madonna della Neve. The church of San Nicola is a Christian place of worship located in the main square of the municipality. The chapel of Madonna della Neve, on the other hand, is situated on a hill near the municipality and offers a panoramic view of the valley.


Demographic evolution

The population of Càmpora has decreased to 336 inhabitants, but the community is thriving and welcoming.

Ethnic groups and foreign minorities

As of December 31, 2007, only 3 foreign citizens resided in Càmpora: 2 of Ukrainian nationality and 1 of Polish nationality. The community is mainly composed of Italians.


The majority of the population of Càmpora practices Christianity of the Catholic Church rite. The municipality belongs to the diocese of Vallo della Lucania, and the church of San Nicola di Bari is the main parish.

Infrastructure and Transport

Càmpora can be reached via the Regional Road 488 of Roccadaspide, the Provincial Road 142, and the Provincial Road 371. The roads are well maintained and offer easy access to the municipality.


The municipality of Càmpora is part of the Calore Salernitano Mountain Community and the Alto Calore Union of Municipalities. The current mayor was elected in 2019, and the community is active in promoting tourism and the cultural heritage of the region.


If you are looking for a peaceful and nature-filled place, Càmpora might be the right place for you. With its rich history and natural beauty, Càmpora offers a true Italian life experience. Do not hesitate to visit this picturesque municipality and live an authentic and unforgettable experience.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Wednesday, Jan 25, 2023