
Welcome to Camponogara: an overview of the municipality

Camponogara is a municipality in the metropolitan city of Venice in Veneto, with a population of about 12,924 inhabitants. The area has always had to deal with flooding from the nearby Brenta River, complicating the situation with urbanization over the last ten years, which has seen a 20% increase in population. Upgrading the water system is one of the main projects of the Veneto Region for the area.

Origins of the name and villages

The name of the municipality has Latin and Venetian origins, deriving from the Latin word "campus" ("field") and "Juglans" ("walnut"); the Venetian translation is "Camponogara". The villages of the municipality, such as Campoverardo, Prozzòlo, and Premaore, have names of Germanic and Latin origin, indicating the origins of the first populations who inhabited the area.

Camponogara: culture, history, and gastronomy in Veneto.

History of Camponogara

The area of Camponogara has been inhabited since the time of the Veneti and then under the Roman Empire. However, due to frequent flooding, there are few artifacts from this time period. The layout of the streets follows the regulation of the Centuriazione of the Padua area. In the Middle Ages, the history of the municipality was documented thanks to ecclesiastical archives. In 899, Emperor Peter invested the bishop of Padua, Peter, with the county of Piove di Sacco and the Saccisica, which also included Camponogara. However, the local population rebelled against the power of the clergy and Emperor Henry IV of Franconia granted them the right to vagrancy.

Cultural events in Camponogara

The municipality annually organizes various cultural events, such as the Camponogara Carnival, the Rice Festival, the Valentine's Day Feast, the Sports Festival, and the Beer Festival. These celebrations are an excellent opportunity to visit the municipality and discover its traditions.

Tourist attractions

Camponogara offers several attractions for visitors, such as the Park of Remembrance, the Park of Remembrance, and the Brenta Park, where you can take beautiful walks in nature. In addition, not far from Camponogara are many art cities such as Venice, Padua, and Verona, which are definitely worth a visit.

Local cuisine

Camponogara boasts a cuisine rich in authentic flavors, due to the long agricultural tradition of the area. Rice is one of the typical products used to prepare the traditional dish "risotto alla pilota". Other typical dishes include polenta, homemade pasta such as bigoli or gnocchi, cod and liver "alla veneziana". In addition, there are several wineries that produce excellent local wines.


Camponogara is a municipality that offers multiple attractions, from nature to culture and gastronomy. An ideal place for a refreshing break from the hectic city life.

Francesco Serra
Updated Wednesday, Aug 3, 2022