
Campochiaro: discovering the small Molise town

Hello everyone! Today I will take you on a journey to discover a beautiful Molise town, Campochiaro. With its 596 inhabitants, it is a real gem located in the province of Campobasso.

Physical geography

The town of Campochiaro is located on the beautiful slopes of the Matese massif, surrounded by the unspoiled nature of the area. The municipal territory is crossed by an ancient transhumance path: the Pescasseroli-Candela trail. The sources of the Biferno river are a perfect place for fishing enthusiasts, and more!

Campochiaro: the small jewel of Molise.


The emblem of the municipality of Campochiaro depicts the three mountains that overlook the town, called "Torrette" due to the presence of as many watchtowers from the Samnite age. The radiant sun represents the enchantment of nature that characterizes the territory, as well as its people. The banner is a split cloth of blue and yellow, the colors of the Italian state and the Molise flags.

Monuments and places of interest

If you are interested in art and culture, Campochiaro will not fail to amaze you. The Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is the most interesting place of worship in the town: it was restored in the 17th century with Baroque forms. The facade is an example of Neapolitan art with the main section decorated with stone, and the upper side rich in decorations and curls (in a niche in the center is the statue of the Madonna). The bell tower is a small tower and the interior is three naves.

If you are passionate about military architecture, you can't miss the Angevin Tower, one of the oldest in the town. Originally, it was the tallest tower of a medieval fortress, with a defensive wall. Today, the tower has been restored and is visitable. It has a circular Lombard floor plan with an oblong window.

If you prefer civil architecture, we invite you to visit the Urban Fountain, rebuilt after the earthquake of 1805. It is a red stone portico with six columns.

Finally, for nature lovers, the Campochiaro WWF Oasis is a place where flora and fauna extend for hectares of hills and forests of oaks and beech trees.


Campochiaro is a small and welcoming town that has grown and developed over the years thanks to the dedication of its people. The demographic evolution tells us how the inhabitants of the town have always been very attached to their land and their community.


Below, we propose a table related to the administrations that have succeeded in the town. This testifies to the political activity that accompanied the growth of the town over the years.


Do not hesitate to visit the official website of the town for more information!

External links

In conclusion, we hope that our brief guide to Campochiaro has been to your liking and has inspired you to visit this wonderful Molise town. Always remember that the true treasure of the places we discover are the people we meet and the emotions we can experience. Have a good trip!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Thursday, Jun 2, 2022