Campagnola Cremasca

Welcome to Campagnola Cremasca!

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover with me this small gem in the province of Cremona? Today I’ll tell you about Campagnola Cremasca, a municipality of only 661 inhabitants, but rich in history and natural beauties.

Physical geography

Campagnola Cremasca is located in the northern part of the province of Cremona, just 4 kilometers away from Crema. The territory is all flat and dedicated to agriculture, crossed by the roggia Rino. If you are nature lovers, here you will find your paradise: you can take long walks through the fields, admire breathtaking landscapes and enjoy the mild climate of Lombardy.

Discover Campagnola Cremasca: nature, history, and flavors in Lombardy.


The municipality of Campagnola Cremasca has a millennial history. The locality "Campaniola" is mentioned already in a document of 949, but it is probably a fraction of Corte de 'Cortesi. Instead, Campagnola Cremasca appears with certainty in a papal bull of 1178 by Pope Alexander III, indicated by the name of "San Pancrazio". Over the centuries, the country has been owned by Benedictines, Canonici Regolari Lateranensi and local nobles. In 1862, the municipality changed its name to Campagnola Cremasca to avoid misunderstanding with other homonymous localities in the area.

Monuments and places of interest

But now let's move on to the most interesting part of my guide: the monuments and places of interest in Campagnola Cremasca. Let's start with the religious architectures: the parish church is built on the site where once stood the church of San Pancrazio, dating back to the twelfth century and built by the Benedictines in Lombard Romanesque style. Although it is not considered of great artistic value, it houses a painting by Bernardo Strozzi that deserves to be admired. It is an original and visually striking Saint Francis.

Events and traditions

Campagnola Cremasca is a locality that loves traditions and celebrations. One of the most awaited events of the year is the "Festa dei Fiori" (Flower Festival), which takes place in May and celebrates the beauty of nature and the peasant gardens of the village. During the event, the streets are decorated with flowers and plants, musical and theatrical performances are organized, and local specialties can be tasted.

Cuisine and typical products

And speaking of local specialties, I certainly cannot forget to mention the typical products of Campagnola Cremasca. This is an area that is dedicated primarily to the cultivation of wheat and the production of high quality flours. But that's not all: here you can also find cheeses, cured meats and wines of great value. Among the typical dishes, I recommend tasting the "pinzini", fried pizzas stuffed with local meats and cheeses. A true delight for the palate!


And with this, my guide to Campagnola Cremasca comes to an end. I hope I have made you discover an interesting and fascinating locality, where nature and history blend into a perfect unity. If you need to take a break from the hectic city life, come visit us: you will find a relaxing and authentic atmosphere, made of friendly and hospitable people. We are waiting for you!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Monday, May 23, 2022