Camisano Vicentino

Exploring Camisano Vicentino

Hello everyone! Today I will take you on a journey of discovery through a town in the Veneto region, Camisano Vicentino! Located in the province of Vicenza, this town has about 11,209 inhabitants and offers a variety of things to see and do.


Camisano Vicentino borders with Gazzo Padovano, Piazzola sul Brenta, Campodoro, Grisignano di Zocco, and Grumolo delle Abbadesse. The Ceresone Stream and the Poina Canal are the main waterways that run through this area. The climate is humid continental, with cold winters and hot, humid summers. The average day lasts 12 hours and 16 minutes, with the shortest in December (8 hours and 49 minutes) and the longest in June (15 hours and 40 minutes).

Discover Camisano Vicentino: history, culture, and nature.

Origins of the name

The origin of the name Camisano is unknown, although it is thought to come from a Latin name with the suffix "-anus," or "Ca di Masanus." As for the fraction of Pojana di Granfion, it is believed that the name comes from the Roman word "Pogliana" and the contraction of the Germanic words "Gottes Grafen."


The first written evidence mentioning Camisano dates back to 1050, where a farm located in this town is mentioned. During the Middle Ages, Camisano experienced a period of great upheaval, thanks in large part to the presence of its castle, described in a 1262 inventory as a fortress residence of the feudal lord and a nucleus of popular dwellings nestled against the castle.

Things to see in Camisano Vicentino

Camisano Vicentino is a town rich in history and culture, offering several tourist attractions. The castle, whose ruins are still present in the town, is the main place of interest. From here, visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding area and admire the remains of the walls and towers that surrounded it. The Church of Santa Maria Assunta, which dates back to the 18th century, is another interesting testimony to religious art and culture. Camisano Vicentino's natural beauty is truly numerous. The Ceresone River Park is a very suggestive green area, where visitors can take long walks and enjoy the beauty of the landscape. Wine and cheese production is prevalent in the area, making enogastronomic tourism popular. Furthermore, a weekly Wednesday market featuring local products is well worth a visit.

Events and festivals

Several interesting events take place in Camisano Vicentino throughout the year. The "Fiera di San Marco," which takes place in April, is a large fair that hosts stalls, games, shows, and music evenings. The "Sapori di Primavera" market is instead dedicated to local gastronomy and takes place in April. The main festival of the summer in Camisano is the "Festa della birra" where visitors can taste craft beers produced in the area and enjoy typical Venetian cuisine.


Camisano Vicentino is, therefore, a town rich in tourist attractions and natural beauties. Its history, culture, gastronomy, and people make it a truly special place. I recommend that you visit it at least once in your life and let yourself be enchanted by its beauty!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Aug 3, 2022