
The presence of the 'Ndrangheta in the province of Reggio Calabria

The province of Reggio Calabria has a historical presence of the 'Ndrangheta, already detectable in the 19th century. Currently, the province has the highest pervasiveness of the criminal phenomenon and hosts the historic 'ndrine. In 2006, more than 10 active clubs were recorded in the province with 7,358 suspected affiliates.

Divisions of the 'Ndrangheta in the province of Reggio Calabria

Since 2010, it has been discovered that the province of Reggio Calabria is divided into Jonico Mandamento, Tirrenico Mandamento and Città ('Ndrangheta). In addition, the province hosts the homonymous decision-making body of the organization, Crimine ('Ndrangheta) or Crimine di Polsi. The areas also differ in the way they operate: those of the Tirrenico Mandamento use control of the territory in a relatively economically rich area compared to the others, while those in the Ionian Sea area pay more attention to international drug trafficking. The area of the city of Reggio Calabria is further divided into three zones.

'Ndrangheta in the province of Reggio Calabria: subdivisions, structure, and locations.

The structure of the 'Ndrangheta in the province of Reggio Calabria

In the province of Reggio Calabria, the 'Ndrangheta is divided into Locale ('Ndrangheta) and refers to three superstructures: Mandamento ionico, Mandamento tirrenico and Città ('Ndrangheta). On November 13, 2012, the ''Saggezza'' operation led to the discovery of a new structure called Corona, which included the 5 Aspromonte clubs of Antonimina, Ardore, Canolo, Ciminà and Cirella di Platì. This structure aims to resolve issues within those small clubs and grant the dowry.

Crimine meetings and list of 'Ndrangheta clubs

Periodically, in the territory of the province of Reggio Calabria, the Crimine ('Ndrangheta), the apex superstructure of the criminal organization, meets. In the province of Reggio Calabria, there are 33 clubs and 5 companies including Melito Porto Salvo, Polistena, Reggio Calabria, Rosarno, and Siderno. Each club has a place as a reference, and there are different city zoning.

In conclusion, the province of Reggio Calabria is devastated by the extreme strength of the 'Ndrangheta, which has deep roots in its territories. Although very intrusive, crime is opposed by the action of the authorities, starting from the law enforcement forces to the activities of anti-mafia associations, without sparing the Calabrian population which in recent years has organized many demonstrations against the 'Ndrangheta.

Giovanni Rinaldi
Updated Sunday, Jan 15, 2023