
Cameri: the town on the borders of Milan and Novara

Cameri is an Italian municipality located in the province of Novara, in Piedmont. With its 10,684 residents, Cameri is a small town located only 6 km away from the center of Novara and 50 km away from Milan. The Milan-Malpensa international airport is only 25 km away from Cameri. Additionally, the town is located near the Maggiore and d'Orta lakes, which are respectively 28 and 40 km away.

The town's territory extends to the borders of the province of Milan and is delimited by the Ticino river and the Terdoppio stream. Among the canals that cross the area, there are the Canale Regina Elena and the Canale Cavour. The town is part of the Parco Naturale della Valle del Ticino together with 11 other municipalities.

Cameri: a town between Milan and Novara, history and nature

The history of Cameri

The origins of the name

The first traces of settlements in the territory of Cameri date back to the period when the Liguri-Levi lived in the area. There are different theories about the origin of the name. According to one hypothesis, the name Cameri would derive from "Campo di Marte," the place where Publio Cornelio Scipione stopped during the battle against Hannibal. Another interpretation identifies the name with Castra Marii, which means the encampment of Gaio Mario where the leader waited to clash against the Cimbri, a clash that took place near Vercelli. The Celtic interpretation traces the name back to two Celts: Cam and Bram, from which the town's dialectal name derives: Cambra.

The confraternities

The confraternities were associations of medieval origin whose main purpose was the promotion and dissemination of religion. In Cameri, there were three: the Whites, the Reds, and the Azzurrini, whose name derived from the color of the clothing worn during religious functions in the churches they belonged to. The two dialectal denominations still distinguish two churches today.

Mussolini in Cameri

On May 18th, 1939, Benito Mussolini visited Cameri. Coming by car from Novara, the Duce went to the airport where he visited the departments of Cansa - Costruzioni Aeronautiche Novaresi Società Anonima, born from the cessation of Gabardini's activities, and participated in the blessing. Always at the airport, he inaugurated the "Villaggio Aeronautico" dedicated to Giovanni Magistrini. In the afternoon, he went to the town where he participated in the laying of the first stone of the Fascio House dedicated to Costanzo Ciano.

The Camerese Civil Guard

In the summer of 1944, following the orders of the head of the province, to protect the communication lines and safety in the towns, the "Civil Guard" was created in Cameri. The prefectural commissioner, Edoardo Della Valle, decreed its establishment and imposed a tax on people and companies as financing for the group.


In summary, Cameri is a small municipality located in the province of Novara, on the doorstep of Milan. Its history boasts of some illustrious visits and has interesting traditions, like the confraternities that still distinguish the town today. The territory is characterized by the presence of the Ticino and Terdoppio rivers and the Regina Elena and Cavour canals. Cameri is also part of the Parco Naturale della Valle del Ticino, a protected area of great natural interest. If you are in the area, do not miss the opportunity to visit this characteristic Piedmontese town.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Monday, Jun 20, 2022