
Welcome to Camaiore: geography and nature

Hello everyone! Are you ready for a trip to the wonderful Camaiore? This municipality is located in Tuscany, in the province of Lucca, and is famous for the beauty of its nature and characteristic environments. From the promenade of Lido di Camaiore to the peaks of the Apuan Alps, passing through green and lush hills, here you can see every type of landscape. And let's not forget the 31,586 people who live in this welcoming place!

Camaiore is also famous for its aquifer, which provides water for both private use and for flowers and nursery plants in general. It is also interesting to note the Lombricese river that flows at the foot of Mount Gabberi and joins the Lucese, which descends instead from the homonymous Passo Lucese. From the rivers emerges "Camaiore" which at its mouth is sometimes called "Fosso dell'Abate". And if that wasn't enough, there are also small ponds and lakes that seep from various sources.

Fear of hydrogeological instability

However, we must also talk about the problems that this territory is facing. In the past, there were strong concerns about the hydrogeological safety of Camaiore. In the mid-1990s, some houses collapsed due to ground sinkholes. In addition to this, regional law no. 66/2011 has identified risks for this municipality, both for the very high hydraulic hazard of some areas and for the type of roads.

Camaiore: nature and history between Tuscany and Liguria

The geology and history of this place

But Camaiore is not just problems and risks: its geological and human history is very fascinating. For example, in the territory of this municipality, there are numerous traces of prehistory, including remains of Homo neanderthalensis. In particular, one of the most interesting finds was made in the Buca del Tasso, in Metato (Camaiore), where the femur of a Neanderthal child was discovered, dating back to about 40,000 years ago. But not only that: many other natural cavities were used as tombs in the Copper Age, including the Grotte del Tanaccio, del Tambugione, delle Pianacce, di Penna Buia. All these sites tell a very ancient story to be discovered in detail.

Curiosities and insights

For those who are interested in learning more about Camaiore, it may be useful to know that the seismic classification of this municipality is "zone 3" (low seismicity), according to PCM ordinance 3274 of 20/03/2003. In addition, Camaiore falls under the D zone of the climatic classification, and its atmospheric diffusivity is "low".

And above all, there is a curiosity that we want to share with you: we know that many believe that the coast of Lido di Camaiore is bathed by the Tyrrhenian Sea, but in reality it is the Ligurian Sea that bathes it. In fact, the Tyrrhenian Sea stops at the coast of Liguria and does not reach the promontory of Piombino.


And so our journey to discover Camaiore comes to an end! We hope to have aroused your curiosity about this municipality, which despite the problems, is still an enchanting place full of natural beauty. We thank nature for giving us the opportunity to admire wonders such as Mount Prana, Mount Matanna, and Mount Gabberi. But above all, we send greetings to the inhabitants of Camaiore, who make this place unique and welcoming!

Martina Moretti
Updated Monday, Apr 11, 2022