Camagna Monferrato

Camagna Monferrato: history, culture and tradition

Camagna Monferrato is a municipality in the province of Alessandria, Piedmont, with a population of around 519 inhabitants. The name of the municipality has uncertain etymology, but it could derive from the Latin "castrum magnum" ("large encampment" or "fortification"). The partisans of the III Brigata Matteotti, also known as Banda Lenti, were active in this municipality. Since 2014, Camagna has been a UNESCO World Heritage site, hosting part of the Infernotto of Monferrato.

Symbols of Camagna Monferrato

The Municipality of Camagna Monferrato has a coat of arms and a gonfalon. The coat of arms depicts a natural araldic castle on a red field, with a central crenellated guelphic tower, founded on a green countryside. The gonfalon is a party-coloured red and green drape.

Camagna Monferrato: history, culture and high-quality honey.

Monuments and places of interest in Camagna Monferrato

The Church of Sant'Eusebio is one of the main monuments in Camagna Monferrato.

Economy and typical products of Camagna Monferrato

The main resources of Camagna Monferrato are summer tourism and local agricultural activities. Agricultural products are limited, but the production of honey and bread is famous. Another traditional activity is livestock farming.

The honey of Camagna Monferrato

The typical product of Camagna Monferrato is honey, thanks to the company of Elio De Bernardi in the Regione Bonina. Beekeeping allows obtaining a product that is easily sold because of its appreciated quality. Among the varieties currently produced are acacia/robinia (the most widespread), millefiori and honeydew. Honey is used with sweets, polenta and boiled potatoes and, in the past, it constituted an energetic appetizer consumed together with butter. Mixed with hot milk, it still provides a drink that helps in the cure of respiratory affections combined with herbs such as thyme and sage.

Administration of Camagna Monferrato

The following table shows the administrations that have succeeded in this municipality.

Gallery of images of Camagna Monferrato

In conclusion, Camagna Monferrato is a municipality rich in history, culture and tradition, with monuments and places of interest to discover. Thanks to the production of honey, the municipality represents a reference point for enthusiasts of high-quality Italian typical products.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022