
Welcome to Mezzane: a hamlet of Calvisano

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Mezzane, a beautiful hamlet of the Municipality of Calvisano, located in the province of Brescia, in the Lombardy region. Mezzane is located east of the municipal seat, on the road to Carpenedolo, at a height of about 66 meters above sea level.

The beauty of physical geography

The geographical location of Mezzane makes it a truly suggestive location. In fact, the altitude allows you to enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding area. If you love nature and landscape, you can't miss a visit to Mezzane.

Discover Mezzane: beauty, history, and culture in Lombardy.

Monuments and places of interest

But Mezzane is not only natural beauty. The hamlet boasts a series of truly unmissable monuments and places of interest. First of all, the Church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which dates back to the fifteenth century and represents a very interesting example of religious architecture.

Furthermore, we cannot fail to mention Palazzo Averoldi, a sixteenth-century building with a portico façade of seven bays, which gives a touch of elegance and sobriety to the whole village.

Villa Brognoli, on the other hand, is a seventeenth-century building with an L-shaped plan and an internal portico with four arches, which encloses a truly suggestive atmosphere inside.

And how can we not talk about the famous Artigianpiada? It is a festival held every year in September, which celebrates local craftsmanship, with exhibitors offering dozens of handmade artisanal products. A real feast for the eyes and palate.

Important notes

It is important to bear in mind that Mezzane not only represents a place of great beauty, but also an area rich in history and culture. That's why, for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of the area, it is advisable to search for information in specific texts dedicated to the subject.

Useful bibliography

For this reason, among the works that highlight the history and culture of Mezzane, we cannot fail to mention the book "Mezzane: history, art, traditions", published by Valerio Vismara and edited in 2004.

Related articles and conclusion

Finally, another important note concerns the possibility of visiting the nearby Malpaga, which is also located in the Municipality of Calvisano and represents a further treasure of history and culture.

So, friends, that's all you need to know about Mezzane. From my side, I can only recommend you to visit this beautiful hamlet and discover all the treasures it hides among its streets and monuments. Enjoy your visit!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Thursday, Apr 14, 2022