
Welcome to Malpaga!

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover the beautiful hamlet of Malpaga? This area is part of the municipality of Calvisano, located in the historic province of Brescia. Once an autonomous municipality, Malpaga contains a rich history and cultural heritage of inestimable value.


The history of Malpaga dates back to the distant year of 1385, when it was assigned to the "quadra" of Ghedi and Calvisano. After belonging to the "quadra" of Calvisano, in the seventeenth century it passed to the "quadra" of Ghedi. With the arrival of the Brescian Republic in 1797, Malpaga was recognized as part of the Chiese Canton. In May 1798, it was assigned to the Gottolengo District of the Mella Department, and in May 1801 it was recognized as an autonomous municipality and associated with the third district of Verolanuova. In 1814, it was assigned to the municipality of Calvisano with Mezzane and has been a part of this municipality since then.

Discover the history and monuments of Malpaga in the province of Brescia.

Monuments and places of interest

Malpaga is an area rich in monuments and places of interest. The main church of the area, the church of Santa Maria della Rosa, was built in the fourteenth century and consecrated to the Madonna in the seventeenth century at the request of the Dominican convent of Calvisano. The bell tower was built in 1910 and the church was lengthened and raised in the 1920s. Inside, you can admire a beautiful eighteenth-century altarpiece depicting the birth of Mary and Mary among the angels, and a canvas of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ attributed to the school of Titian.

The church also includes a wooden and marble altar of the Madonna del SS. Rosario, donated in 1730 by the Gonzaga princes to the community of Malpaga. You can also admire the wooden altars of the Sacred Heart, the patron saint San Paolo altar, the San Giuseppe altar, the Chapel of Piety, and the Chapel of the Saints.

Don't miss the statue of the Madonna with Child, donated by the Rampinelli family, which is used during processions. And finally, a terra-cotta way of the cross with protruding figures completes the offering of Malpaga's monuments.


Malpaga is a place of great historical and cultural value, which is worth visiting if you have the opportunity to pass through Brescia and its surroundings. The area is rich in history and monuments, including the main church of the town, the church of Santa Maria della Rosa. Thank you for reading, and I hope to have piqued your interest for a visit!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Thursday, Apr 14, 2022