
Welcome to Calvisano: a guide to get to know the town

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Calvisano, a town of 8,348 inhabitants located in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy.

Discovering the geography of Calvisano

The territory of Calvisano is flat and covers an area of 45.14 km. The river Chiese runs through the southeastern part of the town and serves as a border with the territory of Carpenedolo. If you love nature and long walks, know that the town is located near the beautiful Natural Park of the Hills of Brescia and a few kilometers from Lake Garda. We are about 28 km from Brescia and 50 km from Mantua.

Calvisano: a guide to discovering a Lombard municipality

The origins of the name Calvisano

The toponym Calvisano would derive from the Latin name Calvisius or from Calventiani, names of ancient Roman landowners. The name Calvisius was found on a plaque near the villa of Toscolano Maderno.

The history of Calvisano

The territory of Calvisano has been inhabited since the Lower Neolithic period. Over time, numerous evidence of the Roman Empire, such as plaques and archaeological remains, have been discovered and are now preserved in the Museum of the city of Brescia at the Monastery of Santa Giulia.

The famous English philologist Robert Seymour Conway argued that the Latin poet Virgil was born on a farm between Calvisano and Carpenedolo. The conference, titled "Where was Vergil's farm?", Was held in 1922 and subsequently published in an academic journal. Further investigations and studies on the site of Virgil's farm are available in the essay "Further considerations on the site of Vergil's farm."

During the medieval period, Calvisano appears in the imperial documents between the 10th and 12th centuries and receives donations from nobles such as Nuvolo Martinengo and Matilde dei Ugoni-Longhi for the Abbey of Leno or the Abbey of San Tommaso ad Acquanegra sul Chiese. In the 10th century, the castrum was built to protect the population and in 1158, the bishop of Brescia Raimondo invested Pietro and Lanfranco Martinengo with the fief of Calvisano.

Visit Calvisano

Calvisano has a lot to offer to visitors: are you ready to discover it? The town has a beautiful Piazza del Popolo, where the weekly market is held every Thursday. The church of Santa Maria Assunta is an imposing medieval building located in the center of the town: the construction dates back to the 13th century and has subsequently been expanded and enriched with works of art. If you are interested in architecture, practically in every corner of the town you can admire beautiful examples of villas and noble palaces.

For sports visitors, Calvisano offers some magnificent cycle-pedestrian routes: the cycle-pedestrian route from Brescia to Mantua extends for 115 km, while the Franciacorta cycle-pedestrian circuit crosses hills, natural parks and historical places.

Finally, if you are passionate about good food, Calvisano is the right place for you: here, in fact, you can taste the delicacies of the territory such as salami from Calvisano, Brescian Turkish bread and, of course, the fine local wines of Franciacorta.


In short, Calvisano is a beautiful town and very interesting to visit, both for nature lovers and for those interested in history and art. I hope that this summary has been useful to get to know this splendid town in the province of Brescia better. If you have the opportunity, do not hesitate to visit it: you will not be disappointed!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Thursday, Apr 14, 2022