Calvagese della Riviera

Welcome to Calvagese della Riviera

Hello everyone! Today we'll talk about Calvagese della Riviera, a town in the province of Brescia in Lombardy, Italy. With a population of 3645 inhabitants, the town consists of three fundamental nuclei, each with its own history and tradition: Calvagese, Carzago Riviera and Mocasina.

Origin of the name

Calvagese della Riviera: history, nature and culture on Garda Lake.

The toponym of Calvagese is probably derived from the Roman name "Calvasius", the owner of a farm. Although the history of this center begins only during the Middle Ages, the castle of Calvagese was mentioned in some historical documents of the 10th and 11th centuries. In 1925, the municipality added the denomination "della Riviera" at the request of the city council, since to the east of the fraction of Carzago there are spectacular panoramic views of Lake Garda and the peninsula of Sirmione.

Physical geography


Calvagese della Riviera is located on the last foothills of the morainic amphitheater of Lake Garda, an area characterized by the conformation produced by the Chiese river and the enormous retreating glaciers. The town is located on a hilly ridge on the left of the Chiese at 225 m above sea level.


The territory is delimited on one side by the alluvium of the Chiese river. On foot, it is possible to observe the marine deposits that have formed from ancient rocky barriers.


The climate of Calvagese della Riviera is mild and pleasant, typical of Lombardy. During the winter, there is some fog, but in spring and summer, temperatures are ideal for enjoying the sun and surrounding nature.


Calvagese della Riviera has an interesting and rich history, dating back to the Middle Ages. It is not surprising that the center, with its castle, was one of the largest in the lower Garda area. In 1387, it counted as many as 18 fires, meaning family communities with numerous members, and Carzago only 6. In the 15th century, Calvagese and Carzago were subjected to the dominion of the Spaniards and were part of the Venetian province called "Magnifica Patria" which had Salò as its capital. Several times Brescia has tried to annex the territories of the two municipalities, but these attempts have always failed. In 1532, Calvagese and other municipalities tried to establish an autonomous Provveditorato with a Brescian Podestà at the head, but everything ended in a farce.

The attractions of Calvagese della Riviera

Calvagese della Riviera has many attractions to boast of. The church of San Pietro di Antiochia is one of the most important, with many frescoes from the 15th-16th centuries and canvases by famous Venetian authors. The church was partially renovated in the first part of the 18th century. Don't miss the Madonna with Child, painted by Il Romanino, and a Deposition by Zenone Veronese. Carzago Riviera, one of the fractions of Calvagese, also has its own church, dating back to the 15th century. It was built in 1410 and has a beautiful engraved Romanesque capital.


Calvagese della Riviera is a charming municipality that has a lot to offer, especially for lovers of history and culture. Come and visit this center and enjoy the nature that surrounds it, between castles, churches, and splendid panoramic views of Lake Garda.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Monday, Jul 18, 2022