
Welcome to Caltrano, the mountain municipality in the province of Vicenza

Welcome to Caltrano, a beautiful mountain municipality situated in the province of Vicenza, in the Veneto region. With its 2534 inhabitants, this municipality offers breathtaking landscapes and untouched nature that will leave you speechless. The territory of Caltrano has the shape of an irregular rectangle, extending on the left side of the Astico river and climbing the slopes of the Asiago plateau.

Physical Geography

The flat area of Caltrano lies at the foot of the mountains Paù, Foraoro, Cucco and Sunio, and is largely cultivated like other flat zones. Here, the village is located, which is elevated compared to the deep gorge carved by the Astico. In the lower alluvial area, there are abundant water sources, so the municipality has never had a problem with water supply. During World War I, water was drawn for the front from the tanks of the two pumping stations, Rovolo and Foraoro, which are still in existence.

As one climbs into the hilly zone, more and more land, which in the past was cultivated, is now transformed into grassland or pasture or left to the forest. The mountainous part, which exceeds 1300 m above sea level, is rich in coniferous and beech forests and pastures, making it similar to the rest of the plateau.

Caltrano, mountain of Vicenza: history and unspoiled nature.


Origins of the Name

According to the Vicenza historian Giovanni Mantese, the toponym Caltrano derives from ''fundus Cartorianus,'' in turn derived from the Latin term ''cardus,'' which was used by wool combers to comb the wool. Another hypothesis suggests that the name derives from the paper industry that used the water from the stream, while a local legend speaks of a princess named Caltrana who donated a quantity of silver coins melted into the smallest bell of the main square bell tower.

Ancient Times

In 1894, in the locality of Castellare (where now the rectory stands), remains of dwellings similar to those of Bostel di Rotzo were unearthed which, like that other village, appear to have been destroyed during a military action in the course of the II century BC. A thousand victoriati, Roman coins coined in the III century BC, were found, along with other coins from Marseille, next to a skeleton. It is supposed that these coins were hidden by the Euganean peoples who lived in the place and who were hostile to Rome's occupation and descended to plunder the populations below.


Caltrano is a mountain municipality full of history and natural beauty. From its mountains to its streams, this area of Veneto offers many opportunities for excursions and outdoor activities. Come visit Caltrano and immerse yourself in its millennial history and untouched nature.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Monday, Nov 28, 2022