
Welcome to the Metropolitan City of Catania

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about the Metropolitan City of Catania, a beautiful area located in eastern Sicily, Italy. The metropolitan city is made up of 58 municipalities and has a population of over one million people.

The geography of the Metropolitan City of Catania

One of the distinct features of the Metropolitan City of Catania is its variety of landscapes. On one hand, there is the vast Plain of Catania, which is the largest plain in Sicily. On the other hand, there is Mount Etna, the highest and most active volcano in Europe, which offers breathtaking landscapes, such as chestnut and pine forests or lava desert with black scree and yellow Genisteae.

The Metropolitan City of Catania is home to several rivers, including the Simeto, Salso, Dittaino, and Gornalunga, making it one of the areas with the largest hydrographic basins in Sicily. To the north, the area is delimited by the course of the Alcantara River, which marks the border with the Metropolitan City of Messina.

Catania Metropolitan area: between Mount Etna, plains, and rivers.

The boundaries of the Metropolitan City of Catania

The Metropolitan City of Catania borders to the north with the Metropolitan City of Messina, to the west with the Free Municipal Consortium of Enna and the Free Municipal Consortium of Caltanissetta, to the south with those of Ragusa and Syracuse. The vastness of the territory has led to the presence of historically distinct areas, such as Acese, Jonico-Etnea coast, Calatino, the area of western Etna, and the metropolitan area of Catania.

World Heritage sites and traditional festivals

The Metropolitan City of Catania is also home to three UNESCO World Heritage sites: Catania, Caltagirone, and Militello in Val di Catania. In addition to these sites, there is also the feast of Saint Agatha, which is considered an Ethno-anthropological heritage of the city of Catania.


The Metropolitan City of Catania is truly a magnificent place, offering many opportunities for discovery and leisure. With its varied landscapes, UNESCO sites, and traditional festival, there's always something to see and do. If you have the opportunity to visit Sicily, don't miss the chance to visit the Metropolitan City of Catania as well!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Monday, Jan 2, 2023