
A trip to Ravarano: geography and natural beauty

Hello friends, today I want to tell you about a small geographical hamlet located in the province of Parma. It's called Ravarano and it's truly a special place. It's only 4.41 km away from the capital of Calestano, but it feels like entering another world when you get there.

Ravarano is located on the mountains of the Parmesan Apennines, almost on the border with Tuscany. Along the provincial road from Calestano to Berceto, which runs through the Baganza valley, breathtaking views unfold: green hills, clear streams, beech and oak forests.

But the real surprise is behind the town: here stand the "Devil's Jumps", up to 10 meters high outcrops of sedimentary rocks, which cut the valley orthogonally. Legend has it that these rocks were created by the devil's escape route, but science teaches us that the Devil's Jumps are actually formations dating back to the Cretaceous period. In any case, their scenic effect is stunning.

The history of Ravarano: between feudalism and popular myths

Ravarano has a very ancient history, closely related to its castle. The latter was erected at the beginning of the 11th century by the Municipality of Parma as a defence post against incursions from Lunigiana. Over the centuries, the castle changed hands several times, until it was purchased by the Pallavicino family in 1214.

The Pallavicino family ruled the fiefdom of Ravarano for several centuries, transmitting it from generation to generation. In 1395, the Holy Roman Emperor granted the family the right to govern other important fiefs in the area, such as Busseto and Solignano. In 1444, Marquis Federico Pallavicino promulgated the "Valley Statutes", regulations that guaranteed the vassals of the fief a wide range of governmental autonomy.

But let's get back to the myth of the devil. According to popular legend, a hermit would have driven the demon out of the surrounding mountains. The devil, fleeing, left his footprints imprinted on the rock, thus creating the Devil's Jumps. Although we know that this is just a fanciful story, we cannot deny that the suggestion of the place contributes to keeping it alive in popular stories.

Ravarano: nature, history, and flavors of the Apennines.

Ravarano today: a place of relaxation and discovery

Today, Ravarano is an ideal destination for those seeking peace, relaxation, and contact with nature. Those who want to discover the history of the place can visit the castle, still well preserved, and the ancient neighbouring villages. Those who want to enjoy the natural beauty can go hiking in the surrounding forests or admire the views from the various observation points of the Devil's Jumps.

But Ravarano is also a culinary destination. Here, the ancient Parmesan tradition is cultivated, with pork as the undisputed protagonist. Those who come here must try the Parma ham, coppa, salami, and bacon. And then there are fresh pasta, savoury pies, and homemade jams. Don't miss the festivals in the neighbouring towns, where you can taste traditional cuisine dishes together with locals.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a tranquil and authentic place to spend a few days immersed in nature and history, Ravarano is the right place for you. Now all you have to do is book your trip and set off to discover this gem of the Apennines.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Apr 26, 2022