
Welcome to Caldogno: a flat city in Veneto

Caldogno is an Italian city located in the province of Vicenza, Veneto. With a population of 11,312 inhabitants, the city is completely flat and has the Timonchio river running through it. It borders on the municipalities of Villaverla to the north and northeast, Dueville to the east, Vicenza to the south, Costabissara to the southwest, and Isola Vicentina to the northwest. In this summary, we will provide you with some information about the history and meaning of the name Caldogno.

The meaning of Caldogno

Caldogno has had various influences throughout its history, which has led to different hypotheses about the meaning of its name. During the Roman era, Caldogno was a village located six miles from the city, in correspondence with the lower decumanus of the "Agro Centuriato Vicentino di Thiene." However, unlike other cities that are in this position (such as Sesto San Giovanni in the province of Milan or Quarto d'Altino in Venice), the name Caldogno is completely different or not derived from "Sesto."

There have been various hypotheses aimed at explaining the etymology of the name and its meaning. For example, Mantese considers it to be derived from "Carturnium," while Benetti links it to "Calidarium," assuming that there were thermal springs or a hot bath establishment. On the other hand, Dani suggests that the name derived from the noun "calleu," a distortion of "valleus" ("vallis"), which would mean "valley area." However, the appearance of the large number of distortions that the name should have undergone to reach the current one following this path is a valid argument.

Caldogno: History and Meaning of the Name in the Venetian City.

The possible Lombard origin of the name

According to Pendin, the name change from "Sesto" should be traced back to an event that occurred after the Roman era. In particular, he presents two possible hypotheses, both to be traced back to the Lombard period:

In both cases, the city would have been indicated as "Village of semi-free farmers." However, despite these possible explanations, the meaning and origin of the name Caldogno remain uncertain.

In conclusion, Caldogno is a city of historical mysteries and possible Lombard origins, but also a city with many natural resources and natural wonders. Its flat location and the Timonchio river running through it make the city a pleasant place and suitable for families.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Feb 15, 2023