
Welcome to Calcinato!

Hello everyone and welcome to Calcinato, a municipality in the province of Brescia in Lombardy. Our city has a population of 12,837 inhabitants and is located in a favorable position between the pre-Alps, the external morainic amphitheater of Lake Garda, and the beginning of the Po Valley. The territory is characterized by the presence of two hill reliefs, one hosting the historic center of the city and the other dedicated to cultivation. The Chiese River crosses the territory, separating Calcinatello from the capital.

The Meaning of the Name

Our name "Calcinato" seems to derive from the word "Calcina", which denotes the quality of the soil. Over time, the name underwent various evolutions until it reached its current form.

Discover Calcinato: history, territory and culture in Lombardy.

A Brief History of Calcinato

Our city has a long history that dates back to the Roman era. The presence of ancient inscriptions and the discovery of an inscription dedicated to the god Apollo are evidence of this. Over time, Calcinato was owned by various noble families and experienced several conflicts and battles. In 1426, it came under the control of the Republic of Venice, which assigned it to the quarter of Ghedi and later to that of Rezzato. In the fifteenth century, the city was characterized by several clashes with Brescia and other nearby municipalities.

The Medieval Castle

The Castle of Calcinato is one of the most important monuments in the city. It stands on a hill and the time of its construction is unknown. In 1201, it was the scene of the Battle of Calcinato between the exiled Guelfs and Ghibellines. After the fall of the Brescian lordship of Pandolfo III Malatesta, the fortress was occupied by Francesco Bussone at the head of forces loyal to the Visconti. Today, in the town hall, there is an inscription that recalls the passage of this condottiero, made famous by Alessandro Manzoni.

From the Middle Ages to Modernity

During the medieval era, Calcinato was owned by the Abbey of Nonantola, which gave it to the monastery of Santa Giulia in 813. Later, it passed under the control of various noble families. In 1481, the municipality of Calcinato requested and obtained that the church be separated from the parish of Bedizzole and erected as a collegiate. In the fifteenth century, the municipality was governed by twenty-four consuls, elected by the vicinia. In 1479, the convent of the Franciscan friars of Calcinatello was established around the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie.

Calcinato Today

Today, our city is a lively and dynamic place, hosting numerous commercial and productive activities. Thanks to its strategic location, close to Lake Garda and the city of Brescia, Calcinato is an increasingly popular tourist destination. The city is also famous for its cultural and folkloric events, such as the Carciofo festival and the San Rocco festival.


We are pleased to have introduced you to the history and geography of Calcinato. This city is a place rich in history and tradition, but also vitality and energy. We invite you to visit us and discover for yourself all that Calcinato has to offer!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Saturday, Sep 10, 2022