
Discover Calavino, an enchanted village in the Valley of Lakes

If you are looking for a charming place to spend a few days relaxing, Calavino may be the perfect destination for you! This small hamlet in the municipality of Madruzzo, in the province of Trento, welcomes you with all the beauty of the surrounding nature and its millennial history.

Physical geography

Calavino is a village located in the Valley of Lakes, on the western slopes of Mount Bondone. Located at an altitude of 409 meters and just a few kilometers from Trento, it is part of the Cavedine district. Characterized by the presence of Lake Garda and the surrounding lakes, the climate is mild and favors the cultivation of various plants, including specialized olives and vineyards.

Calavino: the magic of the Valley of the Lakes.


The history of Calavino dates back to the prehistoric era, when the first inhabitants devoted themselves to hunting and pastoralism. Subsequently, agriculture became increasingly important for the sustenance of the villagers, who moved to the plain of Campagna. Here they built their houses with local wood, reclaiming the land necessary for their subsistence.

Over the centuries, the nucleus became more and more organized, creating roads that touched the most important areas. Roman influence left numerous signs throughout the territory and there are many archaeological elements that testify to this past.

Monuments and places of interest

In addition to the beauty of the surrounding nature, Calavino offers visitors numerous religious architectures to discover. In particular, the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, located in the historic center of the village, is the main place of worship in the area and is visited by thousands of tourists every year. The church, which has undergone many transformations over the centuries, has a special charm and is one of the main attractions of the village.


Around 1500 people currently live in Calavino, preserving those traditions and customs typical of a bygone era.

Administrative variations

From 2008 to 2015, Calavino was an autonomous municipality along with the inhabited centers of Sarche, Ponte Oliveti, and Lagolo. Later, it merged with other neighboring municipalities, maintaining its historical and cultural identity.


Calavino is an enchanted place that will welcome you with all the charm of nature and history. Among the splendid landscapes of the Valley of Lakes, religious architectures, and numerous local traditions, here you will find an ideal destination to spend a few days relaxing and immersing yourself in the beauty of Trentino.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Nov 13, 2022