
Welcome to Calamonaci: the history, geography and climate of a small Sicilian municipality

Welcome to Calamonaci, a small municipality of 1145 residents located in the Free Commune Consortium of Agrigento, Sicily. In this text, I will talk to you about the history, geography, and climate of this corner of paradise.

Physical Geography

Calamonaci: history, geography, and climate of the Sicilian municipality.


Calamonaci is only 3 km from the nearest population center, Ribera. The area is classified as zone 2 for medium-high seismicity, as reported in the order of the President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic n. 3274 of March 20, 2003.


The climate of Calamonaci is Mediterranean, with an average temperature of 26-28 degrees Celsius in July and August, with maximum peaks of 40-42 degrees Celsius. The climate classification is in zone C with 988 degree days.


The foundation of Calamonaci dates back to February 6, 1574, when the President of the Kingdom, Don Carlo D'Aragona, gave Antonino De Termini Ferreri the possibility of building a new settlement in the countryside between the Verdura and Magazzolo rivers. The foundation of the urban center was linked to the need for feudal lords to keep their fiefs populated by vassals, who gave the right to access and vote in the Sicilian Parliament. The feudal lords requested from the Crown the "licentia populandi," which conferred the ability to welcome new inhabitants into the fiefs.

Ten years later, on July 9, 1584, the Archpriesthood was founded with the erection of a church dedicated to S. Vincenzo Ferreri, who became the place's patron saint. Later, the barony of Calamonaci passed to the De Spuches family in 1598 and to the Montaperto family in 1612, remaining in their possession until the abolition of feudal titles.

According to many historians and urban planners, the design of the new urban center of Calamonaci was the first example in Sicily of urban planning in chessboard formation, with the main axes corresponding to Corso Garibaldi and Via Crispi. Although the urban fabric has remained virtually intact over the years, the noble housing has been lost, and the only remaining ecclesiastical heritage is the current Mother Church.


In this text, I have presented Calamonaci, a small municipality in Sicily with a unique history, geography, and climate. Here, you can enjoy a warm Mediterranean climate, delicious cuisine, and a chessboard-style urban architecture. Don't forget to visit the Mother Church and the bastions of the ancient baronial palace during your visit to Calamonaci. Thank you for reading this text, and I hope you have found this virtual tour of Calamonaci informative and interesting!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Tuesday, Jun 21, 2022