
A bit of history about Ferrania

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Ferrania, a hamlet of Cairo Montenotte, located in the Piedmont region of northern Italy. This small town is at an altitude of 365 meters above sea level and is crossed by the confluence of the Ferranietta stream into the Bormida River. Ferrania has about 1000 inhabitants and is famous for its medieval abbey, deconsecrated and now used as a parish church dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul.

Industrialization of Ferrania

But it's not just its abbey that makes Ferrania famous. Starting from the 20th century, this town became an important industrial center. In 1915, the Società Italiana Prodotti Esplodenti (SIPE) of Milan built factories where gunpowder, mainly destined for Russia, was produced. With the October Revolution of 1917, these orders ceased and production was reduced to that intended for the light weapons of the Italian Army.

But Ferrania did not let itself be defeated by the decline of the war industry and started producing photographic film to survive. Thanks to a partnership with Pathé Frères for technology, the Fabbrica Italiana Lamine Milano was established which, in 1932, became "Ferrania fabbriche riunite prodotti fotografici FILM e Cappelli". This new company was acquired by IRI two years before being acquired by Exor.

In parallel with the production of photographic film, Ferrania also developed other industrial activities. Distillerie Italiane built a nitrocellulose production plant, necessary for film production. The Fabbrica Nazionale Estratti Tannici was founded for the extraction of tannin from chestnuts in the woods throughout the valley.

The industrial history of Ferrania: from gunpowder to photographic film.

The present of Ferrania

Despite the impetuous industrial development, the Ferrania factories were gradually abandoned. In 1964, the Ferrania Station was built on the important Turin-Fossano-Savona railway line. In 1996, the Fabbrica Italiana Lamine - the last industrial company remaining in the city - was definitively closed.

How to visit Ferrania today

Despite being an abandoned industrial area, Ferrania has preserved its old charm and its historical activities. The medieval church of San Pietro and Paolo, the Fabbrica Nazionale Estratti Tannici, and the photographic film production plant are testimonies to a bygone era. You can visit these historical wonders in Ferrania.

Outside the city, you can go hiking or cycling in the green surrounding landscapes. The local cuisine is also very appetizing, with dishes based on mushrooms, homemade tagliatelle, wild boar meat, and locally produced wine.

And if you are interested in Ferrania's external connections, the city has its own Wikipedia page and an official website where you can find further information about its history, inhabitants, economy, and tourist activities.

In short, if you are looking for a place to spend a peaceful day, Ferrania is the perfect place for you. You can explore its history, taste its good cuisine, go on a hike, and enjoy the surrounding scenery. I am sure you won't regret it!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Monday, Oct 17, 2022