
A trip to Caino

Hi friends! Today I'll talk to you about Caino, a town located in the beautiful region of Lombardy, in the province of Brescia. The name of the town, Caì in Brescian dialect, refers to the powerful river that runs through the valley, the Garza, where the town is located.


The history of Caino has deep roots in the past. The Garza valley was already inhabited during the Middle Paleolithic by migrating populations. Over the centuries, the territory underwent various dominations, but the conversion to Christianity of the local population dates back to the 4th century. The first center of Christian worship was the Pieve della Mitria, dating back to 1039. It was built on top of a previous building dedicated to the worship of the god Mithras, a pagan deity.

Caino: history, art and culture in the heart of Lombardy.


Caino has a beautiful coat of arms and standard, granted by decree of the President of the Republic in 1999. The standard has a white flag with a red border.

Monuments and places of interest

Archpriest Church of San Zenone

The Archpriest Church of San Zenone is the best-known and symbolic work of Caino's artistic-cultural-religious heritage. It was built around 1730, on a pre-existing church from the sixteenth century. The valuable altarpiece above the high altar depicts the Madonna with Child and Zeno of Verona. This masterpiece is the work of Giambettino Cignaroli. In 2007, during the pastorate of Don Fabio Peli, the church underwent a significant restoration of the painted mantle. The San Zenone altarpiece is preserved at the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan.

Other paintings

The Archpriest Church is not the only religious place of interest in Caino. The side altars are adorned with paintings by great artists of the past. "The Madonna of the Rosary" is a masterpiece by Alessandro Varotari, depicting Saints Catherine of Siena and Dominic. "The Madonna on the throne" is a painting depicting Saints San Rocco, John the Baptist, and Eusebio, surrounded by a splendid golden cloth. Other valuable paintings are the canvas of St. George, the work of Grazio Cossali, and the canvas of Gaetano Thiene, attributed to a Brescian master of the second half of the eighteenth century.


Caino is a town worth visiting to discover its history, art, and culture that have made it unique over time. The Archpriest Church of San Zenone and the side altars are magnificent works of art. The town has a welcoming atmosphere and is strategically located to visit other towns in the Val Trompia. The beauty of the places, the friendliness of the people, and the good food will make you fall in love with Caino. Come and visit us, and you will experience a unique experience!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Mar 1, 2022