
Welcome to Caiazzo!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Caiazzo, an Italian city located in the province of Caserta, in Campania. Are you ready to discover everything about this wonderful city? Let's begin without delay!

Physical Geography

Caiazzo: History and Geography of a Campanian city.


Caiazzo is situated on a small hill 200 meters above sea level. The surrounding territory is characterized by the middle and low valley of the Volturno River at the foot of Monte Grande, one of the peaks of the Monti Trebulani. The municipality of Caiazzo also includes two wards, San Giovanni e Paolo and Cesarano, with a total area of 37 km².


The climate of Caiazzo is typical of the Campania plain. Summers are hot, while winters are moderately cold, with very rare snowfalls.



According to local legends, Caiazzo was founded by the nymph Calatia, daughter of Tifata, who found refuge in this area to escape her father's wrath, falling in love with the Volturno River. Ancient writers have described Caiazzo as a "perantiqua" city, that is, very ancient. Historians, however, claim that the city was founded by the Oscans between the 9th and 8th centuries BC.


The territory of Caiazzo has been inhabited since prehistoric times, as evidenced by the numerous findings of the Copper Age in the areas of Madonna del Soccorso, Fontana Murata, Monte Grande, and the ward of Cesarano. In the late 19th century, three prehistoric knives were found in Cesarano, preserved in a private collection.

Ancient History

On the hill of the castle and in the southern part of the urban center, the remains of the ancient walls in polygonal work can still be admired, dating back to the 4th century BC, built by the Oscan-Samnites. The walls surrounded an area much larger than the current settlement and extended over the acropolis of "Kaiatinim".

During the period of Etruscan expansion in Campania, Caiazzo was influenced by this culture, and after the decline of their dominion, it became an important Samnite center, under the influence of the Caudine tribe. Caiazzo was first an enemy of the Romans, then became a Latin colony and finally a Roman municipality, governed by its own laws.

During the Roman era, the settlement was rebuilt downstream of the acropolis, on a slightly sloping plane towards the south, extending over part of the ancient Samnite settlement. At the center of the settlement, there was a decumanus placed on the east-west axis, on which fourteen cardines or crosses overlooked. The historic center, which took the name of "Caiatia", should not be confused with the nearby "Calatia", located near Maddaloni. It is likely that the Gavii family built support parapets in the forum of Caiatia.

In 90 BC, during the social war, Caiazzo was looted by Lucius Cornelius Sulla because it was aligned with the Italics. The city was connected to the most important Roman cities in the area, such as the old Capua, now known as Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Alife, and Telesia, through several roads.


Here's everything you need to know about Caiazzo! This ancient city has an interesting and fascinating history that can still be admired through the remains of the polygonal walls, the Kaiatinim acropolis, and the historic center of Caiatia. So, if you find yourself in Campania, don't miss the opportunity to visit this beautiful city on a hill!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Tuesday, Apr 5, 2022