
Welcome to Cagliari, an ancient city

Cagliari, a city with a millennial history, welcomes you! Located on the beautiful southern coast of Sardinia, it offers an incredible view of the Gulf of Angels and the Tyrrhenian Sea. With its 148,259 inhabitants, Cagliari is one of the most fascinating and lively Italian cities. It is the capital of the autonomous region of Sardinia and contains the metropolitan city of Cagliari, which has 419,993 residents. It is not only home to the historic University of Cagliari, but also to the archdiocese of Cagliari.

Physical geography

Cagliari: history, climate and attractions of the Sardinian city.

The territory

Cagliari is located in the center of the Gulf of Angels, a magnificent position that will allow you to enjoy unforgettable views. The city is bordered to the east by the Sella del Diavolo and the Molentargius pond. To the west, you will find the Cagliari pond. To the south, it is bathed by the Tyrrhenian Sea and to the north by the San Michele hill and the Campidano plain. The city lies on seven limestone hills, each of which is named after a district of the city: ''Castello'', ''Tuvumannu/Tuvixeddu'', ''Monte Claro'', ''Monte Urpinu'', ''Colle di Bonaria'', ''Colle di San Michele'', ''Calamosca/Sella del Diavolo''.

The climate

The climate of Cagliari is Mediterranean, with mild winters and hot, dry summers. The highest temperatures that can be recorded in summer are near 40 degrees with high humidity rates. In winter, on the other hand, we usually have temperatures above 0 degrees, although I must admit that the minimum temperatures are slightly higher than in other Italian cities. Frequent winds, both the Mistral and the Sirocco, can sometimes make the climate particularly pleasant.

The origin of the name

The name ''Karali'', which is thought to be attributable to the Proto-Sardinian language, is composed of a root *''kar'' and the affix -''ali''. This toponym is found in numerous other locations in Italy and neighboring countries such as Corsica or Greece. The root "kar" in ancient Mediterranean languages means "stone/rock". The entire word, therefore, aims to define a "rocky place".

Attractive for everyone

The city of Cagliari is beautiful, there are numerous attractions, and finding something you might like is easy. From the historic district of Castello, to the lively port, passing through the magnificent Monte Urpinu park, the city offers something for all tastes.

What to see


You have chosen to visit Cagliari and you will never regret it! With its breathtaking location and its millennial history, it's no wonder it's one of the favorite Italian cities among tourists. You will fall in love with the historic architecture, delicious cuisine and stunning landscapes. Cagliari is waiting for you!

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Monday, Jan 24, 2022