
Caggiano: between nature and myth

Caggiano is a charming town in the province of Salerno, located on the hills of Basilicata, bordering the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park. Its privileged position gives it a breathtaking view of the Alburni mountain range and the Gulf of Salerno.

According to mythology, the Alburni mountains are the home of the Titans who took refuge here to escape Neptune's wrath. Legend has it that with every earthquake, the Titans move to the east, towards the town.

The territory of Caggiano is predominantly mountainous, with an average altitude above 1000 meters. Nevertheless, the mountain landscape is structured to form a gently rolling plateau, with some steep and cliffy slopes, especially at the foot of the Tempa del Vento. Here are the highest peaks of the area, such as Monte Sierio and Pietra dei Monaci.

Capo la Serra Mountain and Lake

To the northwest of the plateau stands the Capo la Serra Mountain, which dominates the town of Caggiano and the valley below with its bulk. The "Marevicino" hamlet, located west of the town center, reaches an altitude of . At the foot of the relief on which the town stands, the flat area is called "Lago". The Melandro and Tanagro rivers flow in the valley. Over twenty sources are distributed among the various hamlets.

Caggiano: Nature, Myth and Culture in Basilicata.

Border and classifications

The town of Caggiano borders to the east with the towns of Vietri di Potenza and Sant'Angelo Le Fratte, in the province of Potenza, in Basilicata, to the north with Salvitelle and to the southeast with Polla, Auletta and Pertosa, which belong to the same province of Salerno.

Caggiano is located in seismic classification zone 1, with high seismicity, and in climate classification zone D.

Origin of the name

The name Caggiano derives from the Roman praenomen Caius, carried by a Roman patrician who owned the fundus in the area. The same name was given to other Italian locations, such as the town of Caianello in the province of Caserta or the fundus Caianus in the province of Rome.

Caggiano: history and culture

Caggiano has a long history dating back to Roman times, when the area was a "fondaco", a strategic exchange point. In the Middle Ages, the territory belonged to both Normans and Lombards.

The town has a very interesting cultural heritage, with numerous churches and historic buildings. The church of San Giovanni Battista, for instance, dates back to the 18th century and houses valuable frescoes and canvases. The Palazzo Comunale, on the other hand, is a historic building of great artistic and cultural importance.

Moreover, Caggiano is renowned for the production of fine cheeses, such as Caciocavallo podolico, and for excellent extra-virgin olive oil.

Events and traditions

Caggiano is famous for organizing events and popular festivals throughout the year. Among the most important events are the Sagra del Caciocavallo podolico, the Sagra della Fusidda (a type of focaccia), the Fiera di San Nicola (with the horse parade), the Festa del Patrono San Giovanni Battista and the Festa della Ceschiata (with the preparation of traditional donuts).

Furthermore, the town hosts various musical and folkloristic traditions, such as the Tarantella of Cilento, the Sword Dance, and the performance of tambourine players.

Caggiano: a treasure to discover

In summary, Caggiano is a town in the province of Salerno, located on the hills of Basilicata. The town offers a breathtaking view of the Alburni mountains and the Gulf of Salerno, and is renowned for the production of fine cheeses and extra-virgin olive oil.

Caggiano has a long and interesting history, with numerous churches, historic buildings, and cultural traditions. Moreover, the town hosts various popular festivals and events. In short, Caggiano is a treasure to discover for nature, history, and Italian tradition lovers.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Tuesday, Mar 22, 2022