
Welcome to Cadeo: a Municipality in Emilia-Romagna

Cadeo is a scattered Municipality located in the province of Piacenza, in the Emilia-Romagna region, with a population of about 6,000 inhabitants. The hamlet of Roveleto is the Municipal seat and is located a few kilometers from the cities of Piacenza, Fidenza, and Cremona.

The geographical location of Cadeo

The Municipality of Cadeo is located in the Padana plain, about 70 km from the provincial capital, Piacenza. The Municipal territory is crossed by the Riglio, Chero, and Chiavenna streams, and near the hamlet of Roveleto is the mouth of the Chero into the Chiavenna. Moreover, the Municipality is located on the equidistant line from the north pole and the equator, the 45th parallel.

Cadeo: history and nature of the province of Piacenza.

The etymology of the name Cadeo

The name Cadeo would derive from the lazaretto built in 1112 called "The House of God". From here, the toponym "Cadeo" would have originated.

The history of Cadeo

The Municipality of Cadeo has an ancient history that dates back to 1112, when a Hospital dedicated to pilgrims on their way to Rome was opened. In many documents of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the mention of the castle of Cadeo appears. In 1442, the revenues of the hospital were assigned to Cardinal Castiglione, later passed to the Lateran Canons of Sant'Agostino. In 1809, the diocese of Pavia renounced the Piacenza parishes of the Fontana Fredda and Roveleto di Cadeo and the Val Nure parish, which then passed to the Diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio. With the creation of municipalities following the reforms of Napoleon Bonaparte, Cadeo was included in the municipality of Carpaneto Piacentino before becoming an autonomous Municipality in June 1820.

Throughout history, the Municipality of Cadeo has undergone many destructions by various armies. Among the most significant episodes are those of 1309, when 1,300 Guelph and Ghibelline soldiers from Parma gathered against the Guelph family of Da Fontana, and that of 1353 by Cremonese troops.

Famous people from Cadeo

The Municipality of Cadeo has given birth to two famous people: the actress Olimpia Cavalli and the motorcycle racer Tarquinio Provini.

In conclusion, Cadeo is a small Municipality in the province of Piacenza, rich in history and culture. With its location in the heart of the Padana plain and the presence of characteristic streams, the Municipality offers unique natural landscapes. The Municipality of Cadeo is an ideal place for those who love the tranquility and authenticity of country life.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Monday, Feb 13, 2023