
Welcome to Bussolengo: a brief introduction to the town

Hello everyone and welcome to Bussolengo, a town in the province of Verona in Veneto, Italy! Approximately 20,640 people live here in a predominantly flat area that extends from the mountain range of Monte Baldo-Monte Bondone to the Adige River. In this text, I will tell you a bit about the town's history and geography, as well as some interesting facts and information.

The physical geography of Bussolengo

Bussolengo is located about 12 kilometers from Verona and reaches west towards Lake Garda. The terrain is flat and bordered by the Adige River, while to the north the slopes of the Lessini Mountains gently descend into the underlying plain. To the west, the last morainic circles dating back to the Riss glaciation can be recognized. In short, Bussolengo has all the charm of the Veronese countryside, between mountains and rivers!

Bussolengo: history and geography of a Veronese municipality.

The etymology of the name Bussolengo

The name Bussolengo has ancient origins and different hypotheses contend for its etymology. According to some, it could derive from the name of a local inhabitant, while others suggest the name comes from the surrounding vegetation. The most widely accepted theory, however, is that the name originates from the buxus sempervirens plant, which is abundant along the banks of the Adige River that crosses the Bussolengo territory. In addition, the elongated shape of the town would have suggested the combination of the terms "buxus" and "longus".

The history of the town

Bussolengo boasts a very ancient history, dating back to 3500 years ago when there was already a settlement in the area. Veneti, Reti and Gauls succeeded each other in dominating the territory, until it was unified under Roman rule. An important Roman testimony can be found inside the ancient church of San Salvar, where a cippus with a Latin inscription and a huge stone transformed into a baptistery can be admired.

Bussolengo in the Middle Ages

In the 12th century, Bussolengo became part of the rural signory of the "Olderico", whose most famous representative was Garzapane, a powerful soldier and loyal friend of Frederick I Barbarossa. Thanks to the Olderico family, in 1119 the first communal form was established, with Garzetto, son of Olderico di Garzapane, already the first podestà.


So here is a brief introduction to Bussolengo, a town rich in history and charm, located between the mountains and the Adige River. I hope this text has helped you to get to know our town a little better, and has piqued your interest in coming to visit it! We are sure you will enjoy discovering all the hidden corners of ancient Bussolengo.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Wednesday, Aug 31, 2022