
Discovering Burgos

Burgos, or Su Burgu as its inhabitants call it in Sardinian, is a small municipality located in the province of Sassari. Unlike many other municipalities in the area, its foundation is relatively recent and dates back much later than the events that marked the Goceano, the historical region in which Burgos is located.

A bit of history

However, Burgos has a very interesting history dating back to the medieval period. During this time, the village was part of the Giudicato di Torres and belonged to the curatoria of Goceano, also known as Anela. It was protected by a castle erected in 1129 by the judge Gonario II of Torres. Despite being conquered by the judge of Cagliari Guglielmo I Salusio IV, the castle later returned under the power of the judge of Torres and in the thirteenth century, hosted the judge Adelasia of Torres, the last sovereign of the Giudicato of Torres, after her unhappy marriage to King Enzo of Sardinia, son of Frederick II of Swabia.

After Adelasia's death in 1259, the castle and the village passed under the Doria's dominion and then under the Giudicato of Arborea, becoming an Arborean stronghold during the long war between Arbora and Aragon in the fourteenth century. In 1410, it passed to the Marquis of Oristano Leonardo Cubello, and in 1478, with the war between the Aragonese viceroy Carroz and the Marquis of Oristano Leonardo Alagon, Burgos and its castle became a bastion of Alagon. After Alagon's defeat in 1479, the municipality passed to the Aragonese and remained incorporated in the Goceano County until the suppression of feudalism system in 1839.

Burgos: discover the medieval history and natural beauty of this Sardinian municipality.

Burgos today

Today, Burgos is a charming Sardinian municipality, whose greatest heritage is its history and traditions. With a population of 856 inhabitants, Burgos is a welcoming community that mainly lives on traditional activities, such as agriculture and pastoralism. Being located in the Goceano region, it is also an ideal place for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. The surrounding territory is characterized by plateaus, hills, and mountains, making Burgos an excellent starting point for hiking and trekking. Moreover, thanks to its proximity to Lake Coghinas and Monte Limbara, the community also offers many opportunities for lovers of water sports and winter sports.

Burgos is a municipality that boasts a wealth of local traditions and customs dating back to its medieval history. One of these traditions is the procession of Saint John the Baptist, held every year on June 24th, in which a statue of the saint is carried in procession through the streets of the village. On this occasion, the community gathers to celebrate and share traditional dishes such as "pani cun tomato" and "su Civraxu."

What to see in Burgos

Regarding places of interest, Burgos does not lack historical and architectural sites. The Goceano Castle or Castle of Burgos is one of the most important historical monuments in the region and bears witness to the events that have marked the village throughout its history. The Church of San Michele Arcangelo, dating back to the seventeenth century and recently restored, is another building of great historical and artistic interest.

For nature lovers, Lake Coghinas offers the opportunity to spend pleasant days in the water or on the shore, enjoying the surrounding landscape. Monte Limbara, with its over 1,350 meters of height, is an ideal destination for hiking or cycling, allowing you to admire breathtaking views of the region.


In summary, Burgos is a municipality that has a lot to offer, both from a historical and cultural point of view, and from a naturalistic one. Its medieval history gave birth to a strong and proud community of its traditions, which recognizes a series of local rites and festivals and is committed to maintaining the historical and cultural heritage of the country alive. Burgos is a municipality that undoubtedly deserves a visit, both for its historical monuments and for the natural beauties of the surrounding territory.

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Monday, Mar 14, 2022