
Discovering Buonalbergo, a charming village

Buonalbergo, also known as Bonoprièvolë in the local dialect, is a town in the province of Benevento, Campania, with a population of about 1519 inhabitants. Let's discover together the characteristics of this charming village, between history and natural beauty.

Physical geography

Buonalbergo is located on the steep slope of Mount San Silvestro. The territory of the town extends between the altitude of 222 and 863 meters above sea level, with an altitude range of 641 meters. In 2000, the utilized agricultural area was 1552.88 hectares.

Discover the enchantment of Buonalbergo: nature, history, and tradition.


In the past, it was thought that the ancient city of Cluvia was located near Buonalbergo, but more recent research has shown that the city was actually located in Abruzzo. It is believed instead that Buonalbergo was founded by refugees from villages destroyed by barbarians, who named the place Alibergo. This may have happened around the year 1000, and the first Norman lord of Buonalbergo was Gerardo, also known as the Great Count.

Under the rule of the Angevins, the county of Buonalbergo was shattered as a punishment for having sided with the Hohenstaufen. During the Swabian period, Buonalbergo was part of the justiciar of Principato Ultra, finally passing into the hands of the Barons of Tocco, Mansella, Macedonio, De Sabran, Guevara, Spinelli, and Coscia.

The town was originally situated in the valley, but was rebuilt in the high area towards 1525 due to a landslide.

Today, Buonalbergo is divided into three parts: the Terravecchia district where administrative activities take place, the Casale district which is the historical and spiritual center of the town, and finally Santjanni, the commercial area.


The coat of arms and flag of the municipality of Buonalbergo were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on October 6, 2003.

The landscape

The beauty of Buonalbergo is given by its enchanting location on the slope of Mount San Silvestro and by the Santo Spirito stream that flows at its feet. The area is rich in vegetables and vineyards, thanks to the presence of numerous farmers who cultivate their fields with care.

Places of interest

The town is rich in places of interest, such as the churches of Santa Maria and San Pietro. The former was built on the remains of a pagan temple and houses a beautiful fresco dating back to the 13th century. The church of San Pietro, on the other hand, was rebuilt in the 18th century in Baroque style.

Another tourist attraction is the San Silvestro fountain, located in the historic center of the town. This fountain was built in 1593 and is one of the symbols of the town.

Events and traditions

Buonalbergo hosts numerous events throughout the year, but the most important is undoubtedly the patron saint festival of San Silvestro, which takes place on December 31 and January 1. During these two days, the town comes alive with music, dancing, and fireworks.

Another tradition deeply felt in the town is that of the giant Christmas tree, which is illuminated every year in the historic center during the Christmas holidays.

What to eat

The cuisine of Buonalbergo is mainly based on meat and vegetables, with dishes such as stuffed onions, legume soup, and grilled kid. Among the desserts, you can taste the traditional almond cookies and the panettone filled with pastry cream.


In conclusion, Buonalbergo is a charming town that offers many opportunities to discover its history and natural beauty. We are sure that anyone who visits this small jewel of the province of Benevento will be fascinated by its beauty and culture.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Tuesday, Jan 10, 2023