Torre dei Nolfi

Welcome to Torre dei Nolfi!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Torre dei Nolfi, a beautiful hamlet in Bugnara, in the province of L'Aquila, which has only 162 inhabitants. Despite its small size, this location has a lot to offer anyone who visits, thanks to its history and monuments. So, sit back and get ready to discover everything about the beautiful village of Torre dei Nolfi.

Physical geography

Torre dei Nolfi is located in the picturesque Peligna valley, a place surrounded by greenery and mountains. The hamlet extends over a large area of the municipal territory of Bugnara and can be easily reached by car. Once you arrive, you will immediately notice the quiet atmosphere that surrounds you, far from the chaos of the city.

Discover Torre dei Nolfi: History, Monuments, and Relaxation in the Peligna Valley.


The history of Torre dei Nolfi begins with the noble family of Nolfi, who owned a rural residence in this area. Hence the name of the village, which recalls the shape of a small tower. The Nolfi family were also feudal lords of the di Sangro family, an important Italian noble family. Over time, the town around the residence grew and developed, becoming a village with its own cultural identity. Among the monuments that testify to the history of this location are the church of Santa Maria della Pace and the Madonna del Buon Consiglio.

Monuments and places of interest

The church of Santa Maria della Pace was built by the locals in 1871 and is a much-loved place for the faithful. This church, which was also known as the church of Santa Maria di Pietraluna, is a beautiful example of religious architecture from the XIX century. Its structure is simple but elegant, and inside you can admire some beautiful paintings and frescoes.

The church of Madonna del Buon Consiglio is located on a hill and belongs to the Baroni Alesi family. It was built at an earlier time than the church of Santa Maria della Pace, but still retains all its original charm. If you love history and art, I recommend you visit these two places of worship, where you can breathe the atmosphere of a bygone era.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a quiet place to spend a day of relaxation and culture, Torre dei Nolfi is the perfect choice. You will discover the beauty of this corner of paradise, surrounded by nature and rich in history. All that remains is to organize your visit and set off to discover this splendid hamlet in Abruzzo!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Sunday, Jan 29, 2023