
Buccinasco: history and meaning of the name

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about Buccinasco, a small municipality in the Metropolitan City of Milan in Lombardy. The name of this locality comes from 'buccin', which in turn derives from the Latin term 'bucina', meaning "channel", "ditch" or "Roman aqueduct conduit". This suggests that the area is very rich in watercourses, with numerous irrigation canals and springs. In the past, Buccinasco was divided into several agricultural villages, including Buccinasco Castello, Romano Banco and Gudo Gambaredo. It is said that the name of Romano Banco may derive from the presence of Romans in this area, while Gudo Gambaredo could mean "pinching shrimp". According to historical sources, the village may even date back to the Etruscan era, around 300-600 BCE.

History of Buccinasco over the centuries

The first written reference to the name of Buccinasco can be found in the "Liber notitiae Sanctorum Mediolani", compiled around 1290 by Goffredo da Bussero. In the Middle Ages, Buccinasco was part of the parish of Cesano Boscone. The locality obtained definitive autonomy between 1322 and 1447. The central and historic core of the municipality is Buccinasco Castello, to which the municipalities of Rovido, Romano Banco and Gudo Gambaredo were annexed in 1841. In 1870, the municipalities of Grancino and Ronchetto sul Naviglio were added, but the latter was stripped and annexed to Milan in 1923. All these municipalities were actually rural villages of a few hundred inhabitants, and the historic core of Buccinasco remained the first village. In 1866, the municipality of Buccinasco had 924 inhabitants divided among the various villages.

Buccinasco: History and Meaning of the Name Between Water and Territory.

Buccinasco until the twentieth century

Until the mid-twentieth century, Buccinasco was mainly an agricultural municipality made up of the hamlets of Buccinasco Castello, Romano Banco and Gudo Gambaredo, surrounded by the countryside. However, in 1905 the first factory was born: Meucci, which produced syrups, liqueurs and ice cream. This remained the only factory in the village for about 50 years. Buccinasco is still characterized by the presence of numerous courtyard farmhouses, many of which are still active.

The transformation of Buccinasco from the 1960s

In the 1960s, Buccinasco Castello underwent a significant geographical change, going from the historic core of the municipality to a geographic fraction. Nevertheless, the locality still maintains its cultural and historical importance for the territory.


As you can see, Buccinasco has a very interesting and fascinating history. Despite its transformation into a modern municipality from the 1960s, the village still maintains a strong connection with its rural origins and its historic villages. I hope that this brief summary has made you appreciate even more this splendid Lombard locality!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Monday, Mar 7, 2022