
Welcome to Brossasco!

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to talk about Brossasco, a municipality located in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont, where 1043 inhabitants live. Brossasco (or, as it is called in Piedmontese, Brossasch) is located in the lower Val Varaita, at 606 meters above sea level and on the border with France.

The geography of Brossasco

The location of Brossasco is particularly favorable from a climatic point of view: the municipality is sunny and located at the confluence of the Varaita and Gilba streams, which provides abundant alluvial deposits and makes the land suitable for agriculture.

Brossasco: history and charm of a Piedmontese municipality

The history of Brossasco

The history of the municipality of Brossasco dates back to pre-Roman times when the first human settlements developed thanks to the favorable geographical location. Over the centuries, the territory of Brossasco has undergone many influences: from the Celtic-Ligurian peoples, passing through the Romans, to the barbarian invasions of the 5th century. During the Middle Ages, Brossasco was a fiefdom of various lords, from the lords of Verzuolo to the Marquises of Saluzzo, the Savoia until the unification of Italy.

In 1915-18, Brossasco paid a very high price in blood during World War I: a plaque still remembers the names of the 49 young Brossasco men who died in the conflict.

The Saracen presence

A particularly interesting aspect of the history of Brossasco is the Saracen presence. In the 9th century, the Saracens invaded southern Piedmont and also settled in the Val Varaita. The definitive expulsion of the Saracens took place between 970 and 973, but traces of their presence still remain today, especially in the place names and in some communities, in the tradition of reviving the memory of their dominion in "Baìo".

The Saracen presence remains a mystery to this day, but many believe that Brossasco was born from the settlement in the area of a band of the defeated Saracen hordes in those years. The coat of arms of Brossasco, which recalls the time of the Saracens, is further evidence of this past.


In conclusion, Brossasco is a municipality with a rich and fascinating past. The Saracen presence and the historical events that have characterized this territory make it a fascinating place that deserves to be discovered and appreciated.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Sunday, Jun 19, 2022