
Palazzo Pagliccia

Palazzo Pagliccia is the oldest nucleus of the village, an ancient fortified castle that now houses the town hall and the public library.

Chiesa di San Bartolomeo

The Romanesque church of San Bartolomeo was built in the 11th century and was rebuilt in the 17th century. The interior is decorated with frescoes from the 18th century.

Brittoli: history, traditions and tourism in the heart of Abruzzo.

Museo della Civiltà Contadina

The Museum of Peasant Civilization is located in the historic center of the village and collects objects, tools, and instruments of the local peasant tradition.

Cimitero di Brittoli

The cemetery of Brittoli was the subject of an archaeological discovery of a Roman domus, which rewrites the history of the village.

Economy and Tourism

The economy of Brittoli is mainly based on tourism thanks to its location in the Gran Sasso National Park. Visitors can enjoy natural beauty, hiking, and mountain biking trails. The village is also known for the production of cheeses such as pecorino and mozzarella.

Local Traditions

Brittoli has maintained its local traditions over the years. During the patron saint festivals, the village comes alive with solemn processions and traditional performances such as crossbow shooting competitions.


In conclusion, Brittoli is a small village in the heart of Abruzzo with a long history and a rich local culture. Despite depopulation, the village is trying to revive itself thanks to tourism and the knowledge of its archaeological and natural treasures. If you want to discover the beauty of Abruzzo, Brittoli is a place not to be missed.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Friday, Sep 16, 2022